Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm Open!

Elijah had a blast at his first YMCA basketball "game" on Sunday. He could barely sleep on Saturday night he was so excited. It was pretty hilarious to watch. Some kids looked as though they had never picked up a ball of any kind while others looked like they had been playing since birth.

Overall, Elijah did a great job. He did great with the exception of standing right in front of his teammates anytime they would get the ball shouting "I'm open! I'm open!" Dad had a talk with him afterwards about improving on his lack of passing and his "I'm Open" play so he should be good to go next week.
Here he is in his "I'm Open" splendor. It'll be interesting to see if this video makes you laugh as much as it makes me laugh being that I am the mom and all. Hard to be objective, but I think it's pretty funny.

Tomorrow Elijah turns 6! Party on.


  1. Diego, pass the ball already, Elijah is on fire!

  2. Much sadness... the video won't play

  3. I think it is a blogger problem because it was working earlier. And I checked some of my other videos from previous posts and none of them are working. Check in a few days...

  4. wen-
    you should host your videos on vimeo or youtube and then just copy the link location into your blog. you know, since blogger doesn't have their hosting act together right now.

  5. The video is working again...very cute. The good news is that when he is a dad and has a son that is six, you will still look at that video and laugh just as much and love it just as much. And you will love Elijah all the more!! Even though you can't imagine that now. :) My niece, Karisa's daughter, Angelica turns five today. Happy Birthday to them both!!
