Friday, January 07, 2011

New Year's Resolutions - Aim Low

It's a new year. Have you made your resolutions? Good. Me neither. Nothing wrong with them. I just don't do them. When I worked as a step instructor at the gym there was always a surge of new people at the gym in January. For about a month or two. Then it was back to business as usual.

I don't want to be a statistic. (I just had to write that cuz it sounds so important and dramatic.)

Head over to Fit Moms Fit Kids Club to read the rest of this post . . .

(This is what happens when I exercise at home. I have darling built-in coaches and weight bearing attachments.)


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Hi. I am a new reader. Very entertaining stuff here....I can completely relate with this picture. I call it Jungle Gym Mom :)

  2. Hi Jolybla!
    Or should I call you JGM?
