Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Hollywood Days - Residuals

Nearly 20 years later and I am still getting residuals from my acting days. The Lassie checks have dried up because I don't think it reruns anywhere. But "Growing Pains"? Big bucks.


  1. That's hilarious. And it makes me feel much better about the $75 that comes twice a year as royalty payments off my husband's book which was published in 2003. We laugh every time we get one.

    Yours is better. *grin*

  2. Megan, You guys are loaded. Take me out for dinner please.

  3. $1.52?
    That is AWESOME!!!!
    How often do you get these big checks? If postage keeps going up, then soon postage will be worth more than your checks. Classic.

  4. This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode I was saw.

  5. It is so random when I get these checks. About a month after I got this one I got another one for $19.96. I have no idea how much I get each time the episode is aired or when it is on. Pretty random. No accountability. They probably owe me millions.

  6. My daughter thinks that she is going to write a book or be on TV and live off the royalties for the rest of her life. I'll have to share this with her. :-)

  7. Carie, I am not sure about books, but from what I've been told ... not much money to be made there. But Megan's (comment above) husband rakes in $75 twice a year. That could pay for a couple of tanks of gas or maybe a week in a shady hotel. If her plan doesn't work and she goes broke have her email me. I'll send her $1.52.
