Friday, January 22, 2010

Settlers of Catan in the New Year

Is it too late to blog about New Year's Eve? No Wendy, it's actually right on time because now's about the time when everyone is blowing their New Year's resolutions. Let this be a reminder to all . . . get off the computer (after you read this post check out the cover for my book!) and go to the gym.

We celebrated on New Year's Eve with a little indoor hoops,

a major dance party,

and some serious Settlers of Catan.

We played Catan until 2:30am. At least 3 of us did. One person, who will go unnamed could not handle the Catan madness. Perhaps because the Hagen family was victorious in all four games?
Shiloh won many games and with each victory he cracked us up with his response . . .


  1. Never to late to share new year's eve stories.

    And love the book cover!

  2. Umm your dance video just made my day!!

  3. Y'all could so hang at our house with those dance moves. We also enjoy 'sing what you say' days as well :)

  4. Serious blast from the 679 past! Love the dance party...miss you guys!
