Friday, February 19, 2010

Unattended Homework

Here's what happens when Mom leaves Elijah unattended while doing his homework . . .
Please do click on the homework for full appreciation.


  1. OH. MY. GOODNESS. That is so funny. I mean seriously. You can't make this stuff up.

    You have to admit, he totally did the homework correctly.

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    HAHA that is GREAT!!! He certainly did a great job. Even the pictures are good. I love the teacher's comment "I understand"

  3. LOVE IT!
    And I also thought it was funny that it's "P" week at Lexy's preschool this week, too. :)

  4. Love his translation of the letter p. All of the essentials, right? I love how the first one is poop. Perfect!

  5. Brilliant. He's going to be a colorectal surgeon with a penchant for movie-watching. I can see it already. :)

  6. See why I love kindergarten!

  7. can you put a photo of a homework assignment in a wedding slideshow?

  8. Thanks for a good laugh this morning. At least he got the letter right! LOL They all start with the letter "p".

    I love your blog by the way!

  9. yes, this will be in his wedding slide show. And the teacher has boys so she does understand.Truthfully, I think he would have chosen these "p" words no matter what activity I was doing at the time. Pee and Poop are just that appealing to him at this age.

  10. HAHAHAHA!!! that is SO funny!!! thanks for sharing!

  11. This may be my favorite post, besides the one about the finger poop painting and the one about Elijah crying after Shiloh fay-arted(as Josh would say). As you do know, not only do these posts crack me up because I have two young children, but also because I have a husband that I call Joshua! I think that says it all, am I right? "Beedin bordin, feedin mordin" (or whatever it was he said yesterday!)

  12. Wendy, it is when I see homework like this that makes me miss teaching kindergarten. I mean really, what other grade level provides such truths. I love how his teacher added she understands. You must save this page for him and show it to him years down the road. So classic!!

  13. Thanks Jennifer. Megan, if Shiloh's fart could make Elijah cry. Perhaps Josh and Shiloh combined could make people pass out?
