Monday, March 08, 2010

Give Your Favorite Thing Away

The other day Lydia and I had this conversation:

Mom: What is your favorite thing to play with of all the toys and games you have?

Lydia: They're all my favorite. I like all of them.

Mom: My favorite thing is . . . exercise.

Lydia: Well then you have to give it away. Because when it's your favorite thing then you have to give it away.

For the blogging record and for the good of motherhood kind, I have never asked her what her favorite thing is and then given it away. We do go through her stuff together and figure out what she doesn't really play with and what we can give away. And of course, she is always eager to give away all of Jordis or Elijah's toys.

A few days after this incident of hilariousness I told her to pick up some of her toys. She was not quick to respond. I then told her to pick up her toys or I would throw them in the trash. And I was ready to. But so was she. Lydia picked up the toys right away, walked them to the trash can, and tossed them in the can herself. Don't mess with Lydia and pray for me.


  1. Anonymous8:13 AM

    So stinking darling! I've been blessed with a strong and hysterical daughter myself! I know that I will be in need of as many prayers as I can get! Bless you this day sweet Wendy! you are certainly loved by this person here in TX!!

  2. Can we say "strong willed"? :) Ah you have some fun times ahead of you! Where does she get that from? :)

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I am just so amazed by Lydia's strong willed character. I am curious what she will be like as an adult :)

  4. Oh my goodness, Lydia cracks me up. She is quite the character! You should convince her that her diapers are her favorite thing...then maybe she will give those up (how is that situation going by the way?!?!)

  5. Yes she gives new meaning to the term Strong-Willed. Yes, I was strong willed, but I don't think I was that strong. Let's just hope the will goes in the right direction. Leader of church youth group not leader of a princess gang.

  6. I love this. I"m also scared to death of Abby, a few years from now. xoxo
