Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hollywood Days - Jason "The Dad" Marsden

Remember my old Hollywood friend, Jason Marsden? He will be doing a guest post for me in the near future, but he's a little tied up at the moment. And for the rest of his life.

You can revisit his byline which said that he was a soon-to-be father . . . fatherhood came much sooner than he and his wife planned and his baby Clark was born at 25 weeks! Considering the little guy made his appearance 15 weeks ahead of schedule he really seems to be doing great. But of course, it will be a long journey for the Marsdens: much time spent in the hospital, exhaustion, longing to hold their boy, medical information overload, and a roller coaster of emotions. Would you join me in praying for Clark and his family? You can keep up with his adventures on their blog. Please stop by and leave them a comment letting them know they have your support and prayers!
Here's Clark. Amazing, huh?

Here is what Jason looked like before the fatherhood. In the teenagehood. This is my friend (Sara) and I visiting Jason on the set of "The Munsters Today." This was 21 years ago.


  1. I will be lifting them up in prayer!

    Really, that photo was 21 years ago? Geesh!! I honestly remember it like it was only a few years ago.

  2. hee hee...i know that little sara right there...she STILL looks like that! :)
