Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hollywood Days - Out of this World

Remember how I told you I was going to have some upcoming guest posts? I never said it would be in a timely fashion. You met Carol-Ann. And in two weeks Christina Nigra is going to bust on scene and tell us about her days as a childhood actress. You may have seen her in the movie "Cloak in Dagger." You probably saw her on "Out of this World" and thought it would be cool to have a friend with an alien dad. Or you may have seen her on the streets rescuing stray dogs.

In two weeks you will see her here via a live satellite telecast feed. Just kidding, but she will be doing her guest post.

Here we are at the Youth In Film Awards. Christina, me, and Holly Fields.

P.S. Don't forget to check out the Design 4 Living Conference! Think BREAKDANCING!

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