Friday, March 19, 2010

Keri Visits

One of my best friends from college and her two sons came up to visit a few weekends ago. Her name is Keri and I fainted in the middle of her wedding. Go ahead-click the Keri link and be in awe.

Our boys had a great time together. And yes, that is a faded tattoo under Elijah's armpit and on his nipple. Don't judge his parents him.

They endured Elijah's basketball game,

envied Elijah's flash dance jersey,

and watched as Lydia did a major face plant on the cement.

Keri and Jordis.
Thanks for coming Keri! Oh and she had a great totally desperate mom moment on her way home. In her words:
So at SFO airport on the way home Charlie decides at four years old he's man enough to use the men's room . . . three minutes later I hear "Mom . . . come wipe my bottom!!!
Exit all 20 men . . . enter this totally desperate mom.


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    This is hysterical, I can picture the whole thing!

  2. All I can say is poor Lydia.

    And then poor Keri.

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Love you- Love your family- Loved my visit :O)xo Keri

  4. Wow, can't get past Lydia's noggin. Poor baby!

    And her going in to the mens restroom to wipe a bottom- priceless! Glad y'all had a good visit!
