Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stylin' Saturday - Real Outfits!

This is not a typical Stylin' Saturday post. Because we are actually matching and have real "outfits" on thanks to my mom. I think she got fed up with our real Stylin' Saturday posts and decided to buy us all outfits for my book-launch party last weekend. However, there is nothing my mom can do about Jordis's posing abilities. I don't think she will be featured in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog any time soon. Oh well.


  1. adorable.
    Your girls look a lot alike!

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Very cute! The nose-picking pictures always crack me up... unless they're my kids. LOL. It was nearly a pick and grin. Y'all look great, by the way. :)

  3. Adorable outfits, and I always love to see kids "posing" like real much more fun that Pottery Barn Kids models!

  4. What beauties. So I was enjoying your book while camping this weekend. We left for an hour to go fishing, came back to find our campsite completely drenched from a thunderstorm. Your book was sitting on my chair- drenched along with our clothes, the firewood and the inside of our tent. Fitting for a Totally Desperate Mom book, don't you think? Great job on the book, Wendy. I'm still enjoying it...or will be as soon as it dries out.

  5. Becky, that is fantastic. Wish it were video taped.
