Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust

I think I love this photo. Is that so wrong?*
This photo was taken a few years ago on vacation in Newport Beach.

*No animals were harmed in the taking of this picture. And Lydia was uninjured (physically).


  1. Oh, those are my favorite moments...moments that will certainly be retold in the privacy of a therapist's office one day...but funny, anyway!

  2. This made me laugh outloud!! Thanks for sharing!! =)

  3. you are a horrible mom. :) And can I confess that this VERY thing happened to me TODAY on the playground with my 18month old. And super mom next to me with her only child gasped as if I was the WORST mom of the year...a--for ever letting her on that big girl swing, and b--letting her fall. I thought she might call Child Protective Services on me.

    And--- I have laughed a ton and enjoyed reading through your book... going to do the giveaway soon! Sorry--- been in a blog depression lately.

  4. I think it was not so funny at the time. But now that she is fine . . . funny. Very funny.
    @Sherri, this photo is her therapy, right?
    @Mama Llama This photo is your therapy for your fresh swing experience.

  5. I just let Mason swing on the "big kid" swing for the first time this week and I was cracking up thinking of how bad I would feel if he fell off and I laughed. This picture is AWESOME and so funny though. Thank you for sharing!!!

  6. Ha!! That is hilarious!! (sorry, Lydia!)

  7. Anonymous10:44 AM

    LOL! That is perfectly captured. I can't remember any of my kids doing that, but I can remember doing it myself, lol. Scared me and made me realllllly mad.

  8. I just laughed out loud SO loud that my husband called from the other room asking what exactly was so funny. I think I love it too.
