Saturday, August 28, 2010

Stylin' Saturday - Sock it up

Lydia's style tip for week. Don't be afraid to accessorize your sandals with socks. Especially if you are going to a birthday party.


  1. It could be worse... they could be mandles and socks...

  2. A good pair of socks can be the best gal accessory there is....especially when they are pink.

  3. I love your blog! Though my little ones are "all-growed-up," I can appreciate the pictures. My youngest son had a sandle-sock phase. The socks made him "dance faster." I enjoyed your message at The Father's House in Vacaville. I pray God continues to grow your ministry and use you to encourage His precious daughters. Thank you for being real!

  4. Thanks Xochi! thanks for coming out and so glad you enjoyed!
