Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hollywood Days - Almost Newsies

If you are new to my blog, on Wednesdays I post about my experience in Hollywood as a former child/teen actress. If you want to start at the beginning of these posts go here.
Last week David Moscow did his first guest post on my blog. Today is supposed to be Part 2 about David's experience on the movie Newsies. But that will have to wait because I don't have it quite yet. I emailed him about it and he called me a slave driver :) But he is working on it. To make up for the delay he said he would babysit all three of my kids for a week so Shiloh and I could go to Hawaii. In the meantime, one of his former teachers emailed me and offered to send me old photos of David. David is in big trouble now. David said we are now playing with fire, but I am pretty sure he's got nothin' on me.

In the meantime, here is a clip from the movie. Is that really David's voice? Find out next Wednesday (hopefully) from David.


  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Hahaha! I say TOTALLY take him up on his offer! I can't watch The Newsies without thinking about Christian Bale and his freakout a couple of years ago. I wonder if he was that way in his younger years?

  2. I will take him up on his offer because it's not like I totally made that part up or anything :)
    And now I gotta google cuz I don't know about a freak out of Christian Bale.

  3. Is it bad that I know EVERY word to EVERY song in this movie!?! Now i'm going to be singing it all day and forcing my daughter to NOT watch Justin Bieber on CSI and watch Newsies with me tonight instead! Hahaha!
