Sunday, October 31, 2010

Air Bender, Cheerleader, and Dancer

Today was a big day. Some call it Halloween. I call it "My Son is Bald" day. Last year we shaved Elijah's head for his Michael Jordan costume. This year we took it a step further. We bic'd it so that Elijah could fully embrace the role of the Last Air Bender. Personally, I don't even know who that is. All I know is that Shiloh took Elijah to see the Last Air Bender movie and a long conversation ensued about Eastern religions.

Ladies and four gentlemen, may I present to you the ninja-monk or something like that.

Grandpa came along to freak the kids out, I mean to help manage my crew.

Lydia was dancer who continues to pee her pants. You know the type.

Jordis was a clothed Raiderette. No bikini top for this gal.

Jordis and her lady bug friend. You may have read about this lady bug in my book. I'll give you a hint - she likes to go through trash cans.

And finally, this is a random house that we did not approach for trick or-treating. But we were tempted to snatch some firewood off the top of the dirty minivan.
I would love to see your kiddos' Halloween costumes! Please leave a link to your Halloween blog post, if and when you do one.


  1. Here is the link of the multiple costume changes our daughter did this year for Halloween!

  2. A dancer who still pees her pants. Love it!

    Happy Halloween from the Joyce Fam:

  3. Wow, Elijah is hard core. Your kids looked so cute!
    Here my post:

  4. He's one lucky kid to be able to bic his head for a costume! Haha that's great.

    Halloween 2010

  5. that's why we put off potty training the now two year old ~ did not want a raggedy ann who still peed in her pants! i'd have to think about shaving my childs hair for a costume... your a cool mom!

  6. Here's a link to our costumes.

  7. Great costumes! Can't believe he agreed to have his head shaved! You can check out my little alien here -

  8. Now that's being "committed" to your costume! AWESOME!! I have a post on what to do with all of your unwanted/leftover candy! It's pretty awesome if I may say so myself. lol.

  9. I love that you keep letting Elijah shave his head even though it clearly kills you - way to go Mom!

    Here are my little munchkins, er, Dorothy and the scarecrow.
