The 4 1/2 hour drive to Reno took us about 7 hours due to the snow, an accident, and chains required. One of the highlights of the drive was when we were at a dead standstill for 45 minutes. People were out of their cars milling around. A woman came over and made a comment about "What if you have to go to the bathroom?" She was probably about 28 years old and was high. So I offered to hold up Lydia's Care Bear blanket for the young druggie as sort of a blocker so she could go in the snow. I held up the blanket, she stepped into about 3 feet of snow . . . and then fell back into it. Bare booty. I had to help pull her out of it. Bare booty (hers, not mine). I don't know why I didn't pee my pants laughing at the time. But when we finally got back in the car and started moving I kept having random outbursts of laughter. Laughed so hard I . . . cried. Several times.
And my mom and dad were in the car behind us so I called my mom to relive the story and she cried. She cried especially hard because she said she saw that bare booty and then just looked away.
And the rest of our trip was good and fun too. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of that fateful squat in the snow, but here are some others . . .

**Did anything make you laugh until you cried during your Thanksgiving adventures?
oh. my. gosh. i seriously loved this post. your wit was a great way to end my day :) thanks! and no, nothing made me laugh that hard during thanksgiving but i wish something had!! there is nothing better than a laughing fit!
ReplyDeleteLove the Bare Booty story...I saw you post it on facebook, and loved reading it again. HYSTERICAL! Laughing until you cry is my favorite :)
ReplyDeleteJenn and Mel, I wish you could have been there to experience it with me. Memorable Thanksgiving travels for sure. I still laugh when I think of the whole scenario.
ReplyDeleteThis story isn't my own (but I asked her if I could comment and she said it was fine)... I had a chuckle reading her tale and have a feeling you'll find it quite your style as well...
LOL Love it! Umm well I cooked whole meal all day and on top of that had a bit of cabin fever from being snowed in-so as I was coming out of of kitchen to present me newest cheesecake recipe (all graceful like Martha would do it) it slid right off cake plate and landed face down on placemat. Think the shock and tiredness combined with crazy cabin fever brought laughter then tears then more laughter...no bare booty's though ;)
ReplyDeleteJamie - Oh. My. Word. That story - so terrifying and so hilarious.
ReplyDeleteMeghan - Did you eat it anyway. I totally would have. But Shiloh would not have touched it with a ten foot pole. :)
LOL that is GREAT!! We decided to go black Friday shopping, but since I can't drag myself out of bed at 3 in the morning, we just didn't go to bed and headed out with all my cousins, brothers, Mom, siter, and aunt at Midnight. It worked out perfectly, we hit all the stores we wanted to and were done by 7am. But, we were sooo tied that EVERYTHING was funny. My sister and I can't even remember some of the thing that happened. Which is scary because I was driving. But, on the way home we started talking about the frost on the houses. My brother was saying he sould take it. I told him that I would pay him a hundred dollars if he could make a snowman of the frost off peoples roofs. Then he says, "Could you just imagine the people walking out of their houses in the morning and seeing that someone had STOLEN all their frost! They would go, 'What kind of sick person would steal someones roof FROST?!'" My mom is rolling in the backseat and I'm driving trying to keep it together, but breaking out in laughter over and over again. I guess you would have had to be there, and be seriously lacking in sleep. Haha... That story reminds me of when I decided to change my underware before my sisters wedding. There were so many people in and out of the room that I decided to just back into the corner and lift the back of my dress up while bending over so no one could see. Once I was finished I turned around, and I just happened to be in front of a sliding glass door with the blinds OPEN just as wedding guests were arriving. I didn't fall in snow, but there was snow outside and a bare booty for sure!! Haha... That was the longest comment ever.
ReplyDeletelaughing out loud as I can hear your laugh in my head...would have loved to been in the car hearing it with you.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah we ate it right up...5 second rule all the way LOL
ReplyDeleteJami, You can steal the frost off my roof.
ReplyDeletethe comments on this are as funny as the post... thanks for a great laugh as I was in need of some great comic relief!!!
ReplyDeleteawwww- just saw that you're sending heather a book. awesome!