Sunday, January 23, 2011

When Your Husband Calls You Fat

Has your husband or boyfriend ever stuck his foot or perhaps his whole leg in his mouth? How about on a special date or 10-year anniversary trip? When you were pregnant?
Yeah, mine too.

This is the intro story I told to my talk about living in process and not perfection when I spoke at a women's event last August.

If you are interested in having me come speak at your church's women's event about my "nutrients" and what not, email me! I have some availability in the second half of the year.


  1. Love it! You're on my radar...

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    You are such a blessing to me!

  3. Michelle,
    I don't speed.
    Are you just saying that cuz I have extra nutrients?

  4. That was so funny! Wish I could've heard the rest, it sounded great!

  5. Kristin, Where do you live? Maybe I could show up at your house and tell you the rest?

  6. So will you do a church plant gig? AKA just me and you? JK. Kinda. I could prob find a few friends ;)

  7. Jessica,
    Maybe you can connect with Western Hills Church where my husband was a youth pastor 10+ years ago???

  8. You truly are a gifted speaker! When we met in college I used to think, that girl is going to be used for something GREAT! Her personality is off the charts, her looks are amazing, her love of God is infectious. Keep it going sister!

  9. Annett, You are too kind!

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM

    nutrients and phat are not the same thing. you can be big boned and still be healthy. pregnant women tend to be more hormonal/sensitive. u are funny

  11. Anon,
    Yea... there was no mention of bones or anything of that nature. There were definitely extra nutrients on there.

  12. Anonymous6:39 AM

    LOL! Yeah, he really butchered that one. You are very nice to let him live.

  13. *WOW*! I love that clip! I love how you used it, and I loved what your husband said -- because when I was pregnant, one time I told my husband how much I weighed at the doctor's office, he said (no lie), "Huh. You could be a linebacker for the Dolphins..." He hasn't lived that one down yet.

    You are an excellent speaker -- thank you for using the gifts God has given you!

  14. Alisha, I know. Total self-control that he still stands.
    Much More Than a Mommy,
    That is a fabulous. Way to go hubs.
    Thanks for your encouragement.

  15. ahahah! Loved this story. Well done. You are a fantastic story teller. I know this is true when I realize at the end of it that I have been smiling the whole time. (-:

  16. I loved the story and loved the message. Thanks for the honesty. :)
