Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mark-Paul Gosselaar Autograph Hoarding

If you are new to my blog, on Wednesdays I post about my experience in Hollywood as a former child/teen actress. If you want to start at the beginning of these posts go here.
Somewhere out in the universe there is a girl named Daphnie with a broken heart. How do I know this?
You may remember when Mark-Paul Gosselaar came to my hometown with me for the weekend. We signed autographs at my mom's real estate office. Below is a photo from that event - back in the day when neon green jackets were all the rage.

The other day I was going through boxes in the garage and I came across this autographed pic of Mark-Paul. Signed to Daphnie. Sorry Daph. Mark-Paul tried to give you all his love and I just took it. I don't know how it happened. Please forgive me wherever you are.

I recently reconnected with Mark-Paul. He has 2 kids who are born in the same year and month as Lydia and Elijah! When I found the stuff in the garage I immediately took pics of it on my phone and sent it to him. Wanted him to know that all his love did not meet the intended recipient. It's taken some counseling, but he has forgiven me.
Oh, and apparently I picked up Natalie's treasure as well. Sorry 'bout that.
Maybe I should go on Hoarders for hoarding Mark-Paul autographs?

**Mark-Paul has a new show called "Franklin and Bash" coming out on TNT in June. And you can follow him on Twitter . . . especially if your name is Daphnie or Natalie.


  1. Ha! Whoops. I can tell you FOR SURE that if I was Daphne or Natalie I would still be crying...

  2. You sure you don't have a box somewhere full of all of Paul Walker's love?? Cause I think he meant to send it to me. ;-)

  3. Kim,
    Maybe they are crying because they left their autographs at the table. Or maybe Mark-Paul spelled their names wrong so they threw them in the trash. And I retrieved them. Because I am a trash hoarder. Just maybe.
    I will look for you or a I will forge something.

  4. I had such a huge crush on Mark-Paul in the Saved By the Bell Days! If you find a hoarded autograph addressed to Stephanie, lemme know.

    I love reading your Hollywood stories. I stopped blog-stalking you for a while, but I ended up back over here again and subscribed to your email RSS this time - phew! Blog stalking resumed. =)

  5. Steph,
    Welcome back to the stalkoshpere :)

  6. Ooh, the stalkosphere - I love it. You should patent that one. =)

  7. oh my goodness, this is hilarious!
    poor, poor girls. how must their lives be so different without those autographs!
