Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Best Fan Letter Ever

If you are new to my blog, on Wednesdays I post about my experience in Hollywood as a former child/teen actress. If you want to start at the beginning of these posts go here.
For a good time . . . read this. 1990.


  1. DYING. again. her brother ripped it up??? and she went all family tree on you with the same last name... "i seen you at..." literally about to pee I'm laughing so hard.

  2. Jessica,
    I hear you. SO classic.
    The brother. Oh, the brother. Can't you just picture that fight?

  3. So, did you write back? Did Argusta get those two pictures she requested? :)

  4. Hi Wendy,

    I met you earlier this week at MOPS in Fremont. Just wanted to say thank you for making me laugh AND cry at the same time. Everyone loved you and your encouragement to us Mamas. I bought your book and so far love it! I will mention it on my blog...I have lots of other Mama friends who might enjoy it. Thanks again!

  5. Kelly,
    I totally wrote back. Sent pictures to both of them.
    Thank you!

  6. Oh Wendy... that is SO funny!!!! Hahahaha!!!!!

  7. hilarious and adorable!!
    i feel like i had a similar incident with one or both of my brothers-they were always rippin' up important things;)
