Sunday, March 13, 2011

Totally Desperate Potty Winner!

Commenter #17 Kelly K is about to enter the Totally Desperate Potty party and she has won a copy of Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' it Real in the Motherhood.

Kelly, I need your contact info! Email me! And please leave an acceptance speech in the comment. Tell us your favorite book, least favorite book, favorite dessert, and favorite singer/band. And of course, who you have to thank for this big win.

Here are her comments:
Blogger Kelly K. said...

I am not into potty training yet...but will be soon...eek! My daughter is 20 months old, so I think she's still too young to delve into it. I'm going to wait till she's two at least...maybe even longer...I'm waiting till she shows interest. I wish you luck with your potty adventures sounds frustrating. :( Hang in there!! I'll have my own unfortunate tales to tell soon enough.

10:42 AM

Blogger Kelly K. said...

Oh, and yes I follow your blog too...and not just for the contest. :)

10:43 AM

Do you like the floating "a" next to the action? I could have redone the screenshot, but I thought would leave it there to torture a few of you. Don't hate. I'm just growing you as a person :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I won!! This is so many people to thank. Mostly, my daughter for making me the totally desperate mom that I am, my husband for impregnating me, and of course Wendy Hagen for making me laugh through it all.

    I have never been a favorites kind of girl...I like lots of things equally...and I don't do a ton of reading these days :( I do most of my reading in the summer, in the sun, out on the was heaven. I prefer something light, not too deep, something easy and fun. Not sure how reading in the sun is going to go this summer because my daughter demands my constant attention and I have a feeling I'll get two sentences in and be pulled away. I might have to switch to magazines, or read during nap time when I should be cleaning or paying bills or doing laundry. Priorities am I right? A clean house is a sign of a wasted life if you ask me....there are better things to do with my time.

    I don't know that I have a favorite singer or band either! I like alternative rock, regina spektor is a favorite...anyone unique I love. Is it sad to say the Wiggles? That sounds so lame, but I am kind of a fan....I'd totally go to a concert and have fun.

    As for my favorite dessert, now you are talking my language....THAT I am all over. My FAVORITE is strawberry cheesecake, with fresh strawberries of course. But I am also a chocoholic and love peanut m&m's, peanut butter cups, snickers, kit kats, anything you'll give me I'll eat it. Except dark chocolate, I know it's better for you, but it's just gross.

    Thanks again for the giveaway Wendy, I can't wait to read your book!! ;)
