Saturday, April 09, 2011

Are You a Winner or a Loser?

Hello my virtual partying friends.

The party is over. Well at the least the part where you can win something from me. I have visited over 100 blogs. And actually read them (at least their UBP post) and commented ungenerically. No cut and paste comments.

So I am a bit tired cuz I partied hard. If you visited my fake party and I have not yet visited and commented on your blog yet it is because blog hopping is not my full-time job. But I will get to your blog in the next few weeks!

Picking a winner was really difficult because there were 323 comments. And they were all so unique and special. Actually some of them were not. So after really wrestling with who to choose, random picked a number that would insure I would spend at least 45 minutes counting and recounting comments (is there any easier way???) to make sure I counted to the right comment.

The winner of the $100 Amazon gift card (which will be emailed to you) and copy of Totally Desperate Mom is . . .

Commenter #102
Kelly K!
Here is her comment:
I don't do twitter because I don't understand it, and also because I don't see how it's different than a facebook status....but I DO follow you on facebook. :)

Kelly K already won a copy of my book from my Totally Desperate Potty post last month so I'm kind of suspicious that she works for I'll look into to it. And no, Kelly K does not have a blog so you cannot go there to harass her.

Kelly, I made you these. I call them my "sink-hole cupcakes." Let me know if you want the recipe.
For all of you losers out there (and I mean that in the nicest, virtual way) come back next week to get the details for my upcoming Mother's Day giveaway. It's gonna be stuff for mom. But you're gonna have to earn it. No cut and paste commenting. No forced following. You're actually gonna have to write something about your mom.

And if you are sick of fake partying and you live in the San Francisco Bay Area come be my real life friend (unless you are psycho) on Saturday, April 16th. I will be speaking at "Coffee Talk" for the women's ministry at Cornerstone Fellowship in Livermore. The theme is "If the Shoe Fits" and I will be talking about that in light of motherhood. And if I am totally boring or have zero substantive content, there will be other speakers there and breakfast so it will probably be worth the $5. Get tickets here.


  1. sink hole cupcakes. love.

    i am super intrigued and looking forward to commenting about my mama:)

    in other news, i started your book. you are a champion.

  2. Thanks Hannah!
    I think I know the secret the SHCs (sink-hole cupcakes), but I'm not even sure. But I believe there is some undercooking involved.

  3. Oh boo, I'm a loser. :( And yes there is an easier way, lol... number your comments. :p You can google other tutorials on it also.

  4. cupcakes are my fave, even undercooked ones;)

  5. Oh - I filled in the form, but I didn't know we were supposed to comments too. Oh well. Congrats to your winner!

    Glad I found your blog. Numbered comments is definitely a sanity saver :)

  6. WHAT!? I won! I was really and truly not expecting that. But this made my day. I had a migraine today and it was the first nice day here in a long time (Michigan)...really wanted to spend it outside with the rest of the town. Needless to say when I joined the land of the living and saw this post you turned my bad day good. I literally buy EVERYTHING on amazon. I couldn't be more excited. :) Since I do have your book, I will gladly pass on the copy to one of my many mom friends that would love it just as much. I haven't finished it yet since I just started an online class and that is taking up most of my spare time, but I love what I have read and look forward to the rest soon!! Love the cupcakes, the chocolate chips in the centers really add that extra special touch. I would ask for the recipe, but I made a similar batch and sent it to hoping it would stack the contest in my favor. Totally worked. Thanks so much! You are my favorite.

  7. I have been much remiss in actually following the blogs I follow, but I'm trying to get better at that now that the UBP is done (I didn't see you there, but we must have posted in different categories). And I'm so glad I came here today! Every time I read your posts, I smile; I just love your take on things. :^)

  8. I just laughed so hard I cried - those sink hole cupcakes are awesome!! I also had a giveaway on my blog, the first big one ever, and had 145 comments - I had to do the exact same thing as you, counting and re-counting - UGH! Oh well, it was fun anyway :) Loved this whole post - Hilarious!

  9. P.S. I love Susie B. Homemaker and her comment!

  10. What?? I didn't win! What a surprise! LOL.. I got lucky on my contest. I had to just count backwards from 120 to 116. (Whew!) I did a giveaway using google docs once which was cool (it's numbered) but your readers don't see the list (so you don't see the hundreds of comments on your site which can me good or bad.. but the good thing is if you have a giveaway with 3 folks, like we do sometimes, you can't see that either, so it doesn't look bad. :)
    But, I've noticed big blogs like Money Saving mom, who gets like 3000-6000 entries (I'm not joking)uses a doc reader or something similar, no counting. Could you imagine counting to #3596! LOL. Good luck.
