Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stylin' Saturday - Layers, Layers, Layers

These pics are from last summer, but our fashion is timeless.
Girlfriends, layer it up. Inside-out pajama tops that are not all the way on are trending huge right now! And make sure you have at least two shirts on under that.

Not sure what this is about. I may have asked her to de-layer or something crazy like that.


  1. so cute! My girls' favorite pastime right now is to dress up in as many clothes out of the clean laundry pile as possible (and usually render them unwearable and needing to go back into the laundry) Must be some rite of childhood!

  2. oh yeah mom, how could you even dream of asking a fashionista to de-layer. geez! ;)

  3. seriously, how could you harsh her mellow like that?! she is one trendy cutie pie!! xo

  4. Family Stone - YES! 14 outfits per day and the confusion over what is clean or not. Too much laundry. I am ready to error on the side of not washing clothes anymore.
    Kim - I know, I'm learning not to mess with a diva.
    Hanna - "Bad mom. Trendy daughter." I think it's a Dr. Laura book.

  5. @Wendy I'm going through wanting to error on not washing anymore too! We have WAY to many clothes, and she thinks she has to wear 90% of them in one day! LOL.

  6. Aww, what a cutie. I love her skorts though. ;p

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