Friday, April 29, 2011

That's What Sisters are For

I never had a sister. Maybe that's why I am horrible at putting on makeup. It's sweet to watch my girls interact (when they are not fighting, of course).

Do you have a sister? Did she teach you anything?

If you have a girly-girl or you are one or your mom is one . . . wouldn't you love to win a pair of these flip-flops? Yes you would. So go and enter my Bless Your Mom giveaway to win these puppies and over $225 worth of other goodies!
We have very low entries - do people not value their mamas?! What has this world come to??
Check out some of Kristin's other monogrammed stuff at her the little dragonfly shop. And like the little dragonfly facebook. For the love of your mom and for the love of Pete and his sake.


  1. I would normally enter your mom giveaway cuz my mom is the BEST...but A...I don't have a blog as you know, and B...seeing as how I won the last big giveaway I think it would only be fair for me to give someone else a chance to win. :)

    I do have a sister, but I was the elder and there were 6 years between us, and truthfully we did a lot of bickering back then! We are much better friends now that we are adults. She loved to steal my clothes and deny it. Being the sleuth that I am I noticed she would run up to her room after school each day really I waited up there for her one day and sure enough....just as I suspected she was wearing my clothes and secretly changing as soon as she got home. BUSTED. My mom never believed me that she was lying cuz her little baby would never lie to her. The trials us elder siblings endure I tell you. Those baby's have it so easy. ;) Yet I still hope my daughter gets a sister of her own one day too.

  2. ahhhh! your girls are just so adorable, wendy!!
    i do value my mama!! i am just a loser who can't seem to bust out a recent post saying so;/

    i am the oldest. my only sister is the youngest-two sweet, weird boys in between. i begged my parents for a sister for two solid years. they finally gave in when i was almost 8. she was great until i was about 14. then she became great again when i was about 22;)
    now we live four miles from each other and live it up, laughing, crying, cooking, laughing, being mamas, laughing:)
    i have learned a lot from my little sister. main thing, to be forgiving. she's ace at forgiveness.


  3. i L.O.V.E. my sister! she is creative with home design, fashion and artsy types of things. i am the musical one. she has a friend on facebook that she met in a hospital elevator ~ struck up a conversation and told the girl that she needed jesus in her life not the new age stuff she was thinking and she was going to keep in touch through fb to make sure somebody told her about jesus. i would never have done that. we live three hours apart now but talk just about every single day. our children adore each other and we spend as much time as we can during the summer together so they can grow up being the best of cousins. we had to share clothes growing up which was great cause she worked at the gap. i played the piano at our church.

    i have a mom also. we don't have the greatest of relationships... love her dearly but it seems she doesn't have much time for us on her schedule. so, i think it would be a tad bit rude to pick someone else (like my awesome mother-in-law) to boast about. that's why i am unable to enter. the give away looks awesome though!
