Saturday, April 23, 2011

White Trash Hair No More

The stylin' tip for today is "Every once in a while, get a haircut."
Jordis is no longer sportin' the white trash hair. Her hair was so straggly and in her face that I took her first salon for a haircut. Well, the truth is my mom was about to disown me for letting her granddaughter's hair run so wild so we off we went. And since Jordis will not keep a bow, headband, or clip in her hair we needed an intervention. Thanks Grammy.

Jordis had one previous haircut at my girlfriend's house who does hair, but this was our first time in a salon. Lydia got a trim as well even though she fought it a bit since she is growing her hair out like Rapunzel. I mean, what little girl isn't?

They got princessed up for the occasion. Here she is in her straggly glory.

Double stragglers.

Less than thrilled about the threat to her Rapunzel goals.

Still not quite on board with the trim . . .

Until the bow and glitter came out.

Worth it for the glitter.

She is acting nonchalant, but on the inside I know she is lovin' it.

And out comes the lollipops!

If you have a kid who embraces bowdom, sparkle, headlands and the like and you like your mom you must go enter my Bless Your Mom giveaway. Over $250 worth of prizes including a custom made headband by Erin of Bringing up Burns for those of you who have girls who rock the hair accessories.

Go enter the Bless Your Mom giveaway (only 4 entries so far!) and check out Erin's cute stuff like these clips!


  1. well someone definitely can't hide her affection for glitter. and, seriously, who can!?

    as for the other, she looks simply adorable with her new 'do. :)

    well done ladies!

  2. What a cute post! They look adorable. They both have really beautiful hair.

  3. I'm pretty sure that I'll be needing some glitter next time I get my hair cut - How fun is that?! Have they checked out the Bibbidy Bobbidy Boutique at Disneyland yet?

  4. who doesn't love glitter? we had the same problem here with the white trash hair, she finally has a cute girls are adorable! Did you convince them that if they cut it every once in awhile, it will grow faster??
