Saturday, March 10, 2012

This Fit Mom's No Muscle

Wanna know what this Fit Mom has been up to lately? A lot. A full schedule and a lot of saying no. Just ask Annett :) I said no to her "Better Me Challenge." Because right now being a better me required me using my no muscle. It was a great challenge with a lot of great ideas and wonderful encouragement. But it was one of at least 15 Opportunities/requests I had gotten over the last few months - I started counting because I was preparing to teach a workshop at a conference about saying no. All the requests were good things - from blogging requests, to school volunteering and fundraising requests, to speaking requests, to two different fitness challenges . . . NO!

In January and February when all these other requests/opportunities rolled in, I was already leading and team teaching Bible Study at my church on Wednesday mornings (and sometimes Wednesday nights) and hosting a weekly college/young adult life group at my house. And then there is always the everyday life stuff like THREE CHILDREN, a sweet husband, cooking, cleaning, exercising, nurturing my relationship with God, and squirrel watching. Being overscheduled and overcommitted leads to mama meltdowns which benefits no one so I had to say no to a lot of good things.

And despite all my no muscle usage, I still had one solid MBD (mental breakdown day) in there with all the stuff I had previously said yes to. I am a work in process.

So I am here to encourage you overcommitters of the world to feel free to say no. No one will hate you unless he/she is a jerk in which case, who cares? The world will continue to spin and life will go on even if you say no!

After you have evaluated your schedule and made sure your priorities are in line and you have room in your schedule then . . .
Here are five questions that can help you to decide if you should say yes to that opportunity . . .

You'll have to head over to Fit Moms Fit Kids Club to read the rest of this post (which is my last Fit Moms Fit Kids Club post) and find out those five questions!


  1. i had a mbd with all you have on your list already.

    just this week i've been asked to do a few things. crazy, cause i have been in a long season of flexing my "no muscle." maybe too much. now i don't know what to say "yes" too. i could say "yes" to squirrel watching.

  2. This is such a great post because I think we all over commit sometimes. It is good to learn to say no!

  3. If I ever meet you, I cannot do push-ups, but I could shoot hoops or squirrel watch.

    Continuing to learn a lot about the "no muscle" and your input helps, so thank you. :)

  4. This is EXACTLY what I'm doing this past school year. I've been taking a "sabbaticle" from extra duties. Having 3 little ones and spreading myself thin for too long made me resort to this. I'm loving it and time to time feel lonely. I agree with your post completely!!!!

  5. Thanks Wendy for all the time you did give me/us at Fit Moms Fit Kids Club. :) I truly appreciate you. But, I am so happy you know when enough is enough. We all have limits, and need to respect them. I can't wait to see where God takes you on your journey!
