Monday, April 02, 2012

10 Bucks, Free Shipping & No Private Jets

Jesus has risen so I'm dropping my price for the week - Easter week special on Totally Desperate Mom!

Monday April 2nd until Monday, April 9th you can get your copy directly from me for $10 and FREE SHIPPING. That's only four cents more than you can get it on the big dog and that's only if you have free shipping. Plus, they take a big chunk of the cash and then use it for private jets and stuff . . . or so I've heard.

Just email me at wendy at wendyhagen dot net and let me know how many copies you would like and if you want them signed by me or any of my kids or my cats. Include your paypal email address and mailing address and I will send you an invoice for payment. Remember Mother's Day is right around the corner so you might want to forward this link to your three-year-old.
What people who have read the book are saying (not under duress):

Just finished reading your book last night. Can I say? Best. Motherhood. Book. Ever. I've read countless 'prepare you for being a mom' books and books about mothering little ones, but yours is the most up-front and real, yet compassionate and understanding, I've ever read. In fact, not only will I give it a five-star review on the blog, I plan to recommend (and buy it for) every one of my friends who are about to be new moms.

I just adore Wendy's candid writing style. This book, for me, was a wonderful trip down memory lane. My children are now ten and seven, but I remember the "desperate" stage as if it was yesterday. I love moms who are willing to share the real experience of motherhood. Wendy's book was perfect to read a little at a time in the carpool line ~ and the perfect gift for all my mommy friends!

I received this book as a gift from my best friend after my second child. I wish I had it with my first. Reading Wendy's book is like sharing with your best friend war stories from pregnancy to early motherhood. She literally opens the door to the life of a REAL mom. It really put things in perspective because sometimes you think you're at it alone. Her style is direct and funny. There was numerous times where I would burst out laughing out loud! This book is absolutely encouraging for new moms and a delight to read.
*Although this book is faith based (Christian), it is a great read for all. The experience as a whole is the same for new mothers, regardless of each individual's belief system (as long as you're open-minded).

Preview the first chapter here. (The chapters only take about 15 minutes each and do not require a ton of brain power to get through.)

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