Sunday, July 01, 2012

Hair Donation or Hair Crafting?

Lydia got her haircut. It was long and straggly. I only had to bribe her with $5 to get it cut. And we (read: I) were hoping to donate her hair to Beautiful Lengths because the hair cutter said they would take 6-8 inches. But on their website it says 8 inch minimum. We got 6-7 inches. So now I have a beautiful braid in a ziplock bag sitting on my desk. Not sure what to do besides turn it into a craft. Cuz that's just what I do. Maybe a wreath? Or mode podge (whatever that is)? Or a blog giveaway?
Does anyone know of an organization that takes 7 inches of golden blonde Lydia hair?

Entertainment for the sister bride.

And don't forget to get your Plum District deal on 3 copies of Totally Desperate Mom for $25. Plus free shipping. And 10% goes to Shepherd's gate. If you have not used Plum District sign up here (cuz I'll get some Plum dollars) and then search for the deal under San Francisco East Bay. Thanks and please spread the word! 


  1. I don't personally know of any places that will take 7 instead of 8 inches. Have you googled it? Is it long enough to make into a braided bracelet? Start a new trend.

  2. that is alot to cut off! brave girl! she rocks it, though. and I'm glad sister bride approves.

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Hmmm...not idea about 7 inches of hair. I've donated 5 times already and have always gone with Locks of Love since I heard about it first, but they need much more than that. Every single time I've donated, they have told me something different. Once it was 13 inches, another time it was 10...someone said 8 was okay. So confused....should be donating again in March if it grows fast enough. Did you ask Lydia what she thinks you guys should do with it?

  4. 7" braided, would be 8" straight. When I donate my hair, I just leave it in a pony tail not braided. You should still be able to donate it. :)

  5. Oh they both look so cute... I liked their hair cut. One of the best reasons to donate to charity is to help the less fortunate and feel great at the same time.
