Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Induce Strange Looks from Your Husband

(Photo bomb by Elijah's hand)

It's been a while since I shared a Totally Desperate Mom book review with you. I know a lot of my readers have already got themselves (and friends!) a copy. Thank you. And Elijah's braces thank you. But for those of you haven't picked your copy or just enjoy reading book reviews . . .

Robyn over at Knit and Purl Mama read and reviewed my book and she is giving away a copy on her blog. Here's a peek at her review:

"I just finished reading Wendy Hagen's Totally Desperate Mom. I read it in one sitting, on the car ride home from a wedding we went to last weekend in Ontario.  There were numerous times in the book that I found myself laughing out loud and my husband giving me strange looks."

---- Read the rest and enter to win a copy over at Knit and Purl Mama. After all, who doesn't enjoy getting strange looks from the hubs?

---- Order your copy on my website for $12 - no tax and free shipping. Or get it on Amazon if that is easier for you cuz you're all part of their free shipping club and what not.

---- Take a nap.

Three really good choices offered up. 


  1. Totally got strange looks from my hubby whenever I laughed out loud while reading (silently reading, of course!) He's not a mom, he doesn't get it!!!

    Thanks again for the opportunity to review your book. It was a great book!

  2. ps- Love the title of this post. You're hysterical!
