Thursday, December 13, 2012

Active Diarrhea in the Last 14 Days

At church on Sunday everyone in Elijah's class was asked to make a sign that he or she had seen before. So my spiritual son made this, praise baby Jesus. 

To his credit, he wasn't making it up. He saw this sign many times as he waited for his sister's swim team practice. Wonder if Sunday school teacher is going to give some boundaries next time she gives this assignment.


  1. Jenn Murphy11:36 PM

    Quite possibly your best blog post ever. Ryan and I are dying!

  2. Robyn5:01 AM

    Thank you for the good laugh this morning. Your son is priceless!

  3. wow! that sign sure did make an impression on him. I love it. I especially love the floaties in the water. And the Christmas present in the water. Awesome.

  4. oh my gosh....this is classic. so, so, funny!

  5. So funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hilarious!!! The things that leave impressions on kids are classic.

  7. that is So funny!!!!

  8. trinketmaren6:36 AM

    HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This made my morning! Thanks!

  9. Amanda B5:19 PM

    ha!!!! Hi Wendy - I'm brand new to your blog, and was reaquainted with you on Amazon (long story) through your book! How fun to see your face again, after growing up as a tv junkie... :) God bless you and your family - kids are so funny! Thanks for sharing the hilarious moments! Amanda
