Saturday, January 05, 2013

How to Face Paint Children

I think I have finally come up with a tutorial-ish that is pin-worthy. Or so I'm told as I have posted these amazing works of art on Instagram. "Pin it!" And I know there is a big hole when it comes to face-painting inspiration on Pinterest so here you go friends. Enjoy.

Emo Preschooler Look: Ideal for any younger sister. Lots of gray, lots of glitter, red lips, and a pink happy face interrupted by gray slash. Best when done by 6-year-old sister.

Free Style Pre-Schooler: This look is works when you don't quite want to go emo, but instead you want to keep it light and unassuming. More like a glamour hipster. Apply glitter generously above eyes and on the eyebrows with splash of white and gray on the cheek. Pink glitter lips round out the features of the class act.

Dark Vader: This one starts out with an actual spider web design and then just gets all black. Best when subject does not realize design has been thrown out the window and blackness prevails. Black glitter on lips is essential in keeping the subject thinking she is getting a legit design. Best applied by big brother.

Broken-hearted brother: This revenge inspired look is best done after older brother paints your face in the Dark Vader motif. Chasing and giggling are a must. Also be sure that subject keeps his shirt off when he lays down on couch pillows. Then those pillows can be painted with no extra effort!


  1. Jennifer9:22 PM

    HAHAHA! Thank you for the laughs! Totally pin worthy. ;)

  2. Jodi Halverson2:13 PM

    haha, this cracked me up :)

  3. Mirinda2:08 PM

    Was scrolling, thinking oh that's funny....then got to the Dark Vader and almost blew protein shake out my nose. Love it.
