Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hollywood Days - Hammer Time and Days of Our Lives

If you are new to my blog, on Wednesdays I post about my experience in Hollywood as a former child/teen actress. If you want to start at the beginning of these posts go here.
This post is a rerun but I have been so MIA on my blog, I thought I'd throw this out there for the few new people. Or for people like me whose memory is . . . what was I saying? I forgot.

One of the charity events I participated was a visit to the MacClaren Children's Center (a really big group home) in Los Angeles. The event was hosted by Henry Winkler who was my very first crush, according to my parents. I had a pink "I love Fonzie" tricycle.
We met up at his house and took a bus to MacClaren. I only met Henry briefly, but I think he might have been the nicest, warmest person I met in Hollywood.

At the MacClaren house we mingled outdoors with the children. It was there that I met Chevy Chase, but didn't get a pic and I don't know why. I love the movie Fletch. One of my all time favorites.
I also met MC Hammer. This was at the height of "U Can't Touch This" and hammer pants. A big deal and a great time for fashion.

I also met Peter Reckell, known to me as "Bo" from Days of our Lives. I watched that show in late elementary school. Pathetic, I know. But maybe not pathetic as this awkward pose?
Why am I wearing a different outfit than with Hammer? Because it was two different years. 

And here I am with Bubba Paris from the 49ers. I'm 6'2" so you can imagine just how tall Bubba is.

There were a lot of celebrities and professional athletes at this event. I hope these visits made those kids feel special and loved and brightened their challenging lives . . . if even only for a day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I miss your Wednesdays' posts. I'm still waiting on a post about you leaving Hollywood for good. I'm just curious. :)
