Monday, February 11, 2013

Jesus Loves Me or Call Me Maybe?

We do the best we can with our kids in everything, right? We try to instill values, discipline, healthy food choices, self-control, sibling love and the like. And then we watch our kids and how they behave . . .  and wonder if we really suck as parents because it doesn't seem like they have picked up on any of the good stuff we have tried to instill. (Like not using the word "suck.") You wonder if anything you have taught them has sunk in. Especially when it comes to the spiritual stuff. 
You know what I am talking about?

One of our "teenagers" (who is not really a teenager) who is now the children's ministry director at our church's new campus was babysitting the girls. When she tucked Jordis in she asked her if she liked to sing before bed. Jordis said sure. Then it went down like this:
Kate: Do you know the song "Jesus Loves Me?"
Jordis: "Yeah. Do you know the song "Call Me Maybe?"
End scene.

Last week my heart melted when I witnessed the put on their capes and "Bible necklaces" for Bible Study. They picked up their Bibles and sat together and sang (in rounds?) Jesus (isn) songs. It was really sweet and it made my heart glad. They really do pick up on the good stuff. Sometimes.

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