Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Pee, Mud, and Selfishness: Ever Had one of those Days?

Yesterday was one of those days. You know when your kid wakes up cranky and has a total meltdown over video game time and how totally unfair we are as parents since we limit his screen time? Fact (from our son): all other parents across America allow limitless screen time. (What are your screen time rules?) And then your dog gets let in the house with mud all over her feet tracking it all throughout the house. So you vacuum and mop those hardwood floors. And then later in the day all three of your children are fighting about the Secret Club. You know the one between the bushes and the fence where each child has his/her own house? Well, that's MY bucket, and that's MY lacrosse stick, and that's MINE, MINE, MINE. So I am taking it from your house. Which of course, ruins said house because that "was all my decorations for my house. AND you made all my flowers fall off (fall on ground and cry) my shower."And after 20 minutes of talk about selfishness and what not . . . no resolution. Mom just lays head in lap and asks God for wisdom and for selfishness to go away and for hard hearts to be soft and sweet.

Then things get better for a few moments. Son realizes the error of his ways and genuinely apologizes and it feels so good. All is well in the world for a bit. Kids play outside. Jordis comes in the house to pee . . . all over the floor. A big 'ol puddle as well as a pee trail in case anyone is tracking her. Time to mop the floor again. And our washing machine has been broken for weeks. That's a whole other story . . .
And then it is time to come inside for bed. Kids falling on the floor. They are starving. They can't even walk into the house even though moments before they were happily scooting/skating around. And Shiloh had to work late, which is actually a praise because he is killing it in real estate which is means we have food to feed our starving children. But, he is not here to help with the bedtime dramas.

I am leaving out 42 other incidents, but you get the drift. Some days. Some days you think Does time really fly when you have young children because I can't wait 'til they are all in bed? Asleep. No leg aches. No dying of thirst. No starvation. No itchy eyeballs. No too hot, too cold. No philosophical questions about puppy machines. Asleep.

Good news - at the end of the day I looked as awesome as this. Sweats rolled up on account of Jordis pee getting on them. Still wearing my fancier tops from the day's journey. And now noting that that blue Target sweater looks really lame buttoned over the ruffle shirt. Whatever. I'm alive and my dog got walked. Do you feel me? Can you relate to any or ALL of this action? Ever had one of those days?


  1. Jessica (Parenting w/Research)5:13 PM

    I think we have all been there before. The good news is they are cute again once they are asleep. :)

  2. GunDiva5:38 PM

    I think every single day when my kids were little.
    But now that they're adults, I get a break from them since they live on their own. Problem is, that five minutes with all of them in the car and it's like a time warp back to when they were all pre-schoolers.

  3. Today my girls are pretending to each have a face paint stand/bakery/smoothie bar. Sometimes someone's imagination infringes on the other's imagination and look.out. The drama that ensues is both intense and ridiculous!

  4. So true. Sleep is so cute.

  5. Ha, ha. That's cool they live close though.

  6. How can you not have a face paint/bakery/smootie stand without drama. So complicated. The finances alone...

  7. Heidi6:28 AM

    Hilarious; thank you! It's nice to know what waits for when I have more kids. :)

  8. Kim Rogers8:53 PM

    Last week I was told that I was a mean mom, and Noah confessed that when I send him to a time out he said mean things about me like "i hate her", and then follows that with "but I dont' mean it!" Then Faith told me she wished my best friend was her mom, so I cried, then I told her it hurt my feelings, so she cried, and wailed about how she only wants me as her mom... then I got a fish hook barely in my finger and she cried and moaned for 45 minutes that she never wants to grow up and get a hook in her finger, she would never want to be me, she wished she had never gone to the lake. She is STILL crying over that if she remembers the hook. Oy. yeah. been there.

    screen time. xbox on weekends only. 1.5 hour, earning more time or losing time with school attitude. Movie nights happen when I feel like it and TV that I okay is on and off throughout the day/week. He told me yesterday that he wants a DS when he's 8 because he saw a boy at church playing his and HE'S 8. Then he can text me all the time, wouldn't that be great? Hmmmm... no.

  9. I can't guarantee you will be as fashionable as me :)
