Sunday, October 20, 2013

Against All Grain Cookbook Winner and Dark Chocolate Cake Brownies

I have a new winner now. (First 2 never contacted me so I didn't have their addresses!)
Congrats Amy! This cookbook will be PERFECT for her! Amy, please send me your address ASAP!

So I have been on a baking kick since I got my copy of Against All Grain cookbook. And just so you know, the dark chocolate cake brownies are delicious. I brought them to my life group. Then I blinked. Then they were gone.
 They were gluten free and dairy free until I added gelato. Such is life.

And the moment 27 of you have been waiting for . . . . the winner of the signed copy of Danielle Walker's New York Times Bestselling Cookbook is . . . 
Random Person #2. Congrats Jean! She's already got the book, but she is excited for a signed copy! Jean, please email you your info at wendy at wendyhagen dot net so I can get it to you!

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