Monday, January 25, 2010

My New Look, My Book Cover & A Giveaway

Thanks to Fabulous K for revamping my blog! Hope you like the new look. It brings together my website and my official book cover! I have sent my completed manuscript to the publisher (WinePress) and now I enter months of back and forth with them--copy and content editing, typesetting, proofreading, and the like. Not that I really even know what any of that means ("I never learned to read!" Name that movie quote for zero dollars and no prize), but it's supposed to take 5-10 months.

What is the book about, you ask? Check out the description that will be on the back cover. Soon I will post the table of contents so you can see the actual breakdown of the book. And chapter one is available to preview online. That should give you enough info to make an informed decision. Inform yourself to sign up to pre-order the book!

The retail cost of my book will be $13.99. However, for you and only you, whoever you are . . . I will offer it up for ten bucks (which is the same as $10) plus shipping and packaging if you pre-order through This is a limited offer and you will not be able to find this deal at a "As Seen on TV" store or in the "Sky Mall" magazine. So from now until March 1st you can order up this bad boy directly through me for cheap. I've always dreamed of being a shipping warehouse. Dreams really come true!

After March 1st, you're on your own. If you come hear me speak then I will offer the books for $12 each or 2 for $20. But then you'd have to suffer through hearing me talk about menopause and Spankx. Oh wait, I don't talk about that yet, but it sure is a hot topic for most women's conferences and Bible Studies, no?

In the meantime . . . leave a comment and win a free copy of my book and this cute shirt that my friend, Amy, made.

She can make it for your child in any size. She could probably even make it for you and then I would definitely feature you on my Stylin' Saturdays--especially if you wear it with Mom Jeans and Jingle Ball earrings. That would be totally awesome. I bet Jenny would do it.

Check back on Friday to see if you won. And you never know, maybe I will throw in $20,000 with the t-shirt. Maybe not. Leaving you completely hanging on this one . . .

P.S. I'm so excited for some upcoming guest posts from some of my old Hollywood friends on "Confessions of Former Childhood Actress."


  1. What a great book cover!!! You're almost there :)


  2. Cute book cover... And I'd be ok with you throwing in the $20K ;)

  3. Wow! I am so excited for you! You are really moving forward. Can't wait to see the book. Sign me up for the drawing.

  4. Lisa Sanguinet8:37 AM

    This is awesome Wendy! Really happy for your accomplishment! I'll buy a book for cheap! I'll try yo get to it later today!

  5. Love the blog makeover, love the bookcover & love you! So excited for your book!

  6. Love the book cover. Love your blog!!! I've forwarded links to it to several of my mommy friends. Thanks for all the comic relief and encouragement in Christ.

  7. PERFECT!!!

    Hey, if you are really turning into a shipping department, let me know if you want me to design you some shipping labels that match your book cover:) I love doing stuff like that and pretending that I'm a graphic designer...:)

  8. loooking gooood! (; can't wait til it's out.

  9. I want that SHIRT, Hagen. I will wear it on stage...and subsequently be fired

    but seriously, let me get that shirt

  10. Love it Wendy!! Looks great and I am so excited and proud of all your hard work =) People are gonna love it!

  11. Ok, you totally crack me up!! I love your new blog layout and the picture of you in the side bar sleeping is hilarious!!!!
    Thanks for leaving such kind comments on my are just the sweetest thing!
    I will be the first to buy your book!
    Blessings to you sister:)

  12. Okay, I'm commenting because I love the t-shirt. And my son is still an age that I might be able to get him to wear it! Proud of you for finishing the book!

  13. Ok where are the rules and regulations to this contest? Am I allowed to win 2 contests on your blog within 6 month time?

  14. I'm so glad my friend posted your book on her Facebook this morning! I'm always looking for a good read and of course, always lamenting the fact that I never have time to read anymore. But I'm always hopeful that a book will actually make it to my eyes and not to my "shelf of good intentions" and I am very sure this will be it! Thank you for giving a sneak peak of Chapter 1. It really made my morning!

    Looking forward to the full body of work! Congrats on your accomplishment!

  15. Things are looking up in your mommyhood dept. The new blog facelift is great as is the cover of your book, which I will be reading soon! The shirt is quite cute as well.
    Thanks for always keeping me entertained, Wendy. The best part for me, is that you throw in some of the Shiloh and Josh lingo. I love it! Be doted!

  16. Yeah, so I'm diggin' the website. Very easy on the eyes, user friendly, etc.

    Secondly, LOVE the book cover. If I saw it in a store, I would DEFINITELY pick it up! It just LOOKS like a book I would read. :)

    Oh, and I would SO wear the "mom" shirt myself - with leggings... and a t-shirt "clip" - remember those awesome things?
    Oh, yeah. Look out! Stylin' Saturdays, here I come!


  18. the cover and the site look Fabulous!

  19. The book cover & makeover are great! As usual, your writing entertains me!

  20. Love the new website and can't wait for the book to come out. I have my list ready for all the books I am ordering. So do I double my chances to win if I leave a comment here and on facebook?

  21. Did I enter too late? I've had a rough working mom week. I'm in show biz, too. I'm a high school theatre teacher and we open a show tomorrow night! Love your blog, so I hope I win your book!!!

  22. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Sounds like an excellent book! I can't wait to read it!

  23. Love it!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed! :-))))

  24. Dude. I had this page on my browser - waiting waiting to answer your call-out, then a crash and a surprise trip our of state, and I come back - late to the party as usual.

    Let me just say - I would ANYTHING for you - even mom jeans. Of course, I may be late. And that shirt - Da BOMB!

    And your site here - LOVE HER. Your book - *SHAZAM!* Just pure awesome with a side of glittah, baby! I am in awe. Congratulations on all of this... my heart is so proud for/of and about you!
