Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Hollywood Days - Upcoming Guest Posts

As I mentioned previously, I lined up some guest posts for my Wednesday's "Confessions of a Former Childhood Actress." I thought you might be getting bored of my junk. So I recruited some of my friends who I know from back in my acting days. So in the next few months look for some posts from the following friends.

I met Dah-Ve when were circus clowns. Almost. We were in Circus of the Stars together in 1990. We often practiced at the same time even though we were performing in different acts. She was getting bruised by the trapeze while I was getting worked by the Russian Swing. Dah-Ve was always on the shy side, but couldn't have been sweeter. During that time Dah-Ve starred in the series "Uncle Buck" (adapted from the movie). We reconnected recently through fabulous Facebook.

Dah-Ve Back Then

Dah-Ve Now

Meet Dah-Ve . . .
Dah-Ve is a lover of nature, wife to Jesse, mother of two boys who are 11 months apart. Max is 2 1/2 and Sam is 1 1/2. Dah-Ve is addicted to Food Network and HGTV. She loves to cook, bake and make her house feel like home. Watch out Martha! She enjoys gardening, going to the beach, and getting out to explore Hawaii. Her days are filled with diapers, parks, meltdowns, hugs, and fun. She wouldn't have it any other way! (Well maybe a maid . . . and part time nanny. . . and independent wealth.)

I met Jason at Universal Studios where we both filmed our shows. I was new to Hollywood when I came to a taping of Jason's show "The Munsters Today." Jason was super friendly and welcomed me like an old friend. Thanks to Myspace and facebook, Jason and I reconnected a few years ago.

Jason Back Then

Jason Now

Meet Jason . . .
Marsden is an actor, filmmaker, lover of Batman, Disneyland, and all things yoga, and at the time of writing this . . . a soon to be first time father! He's addicted to his wife, Christy, with whom he shares ownership of an amazing yoga studio! Jason and Christy are addicted to TV on DVD, having recently conquered Battlestar Gallactica, Dexter, Weeds, and currently Mad Men! Jason's bread and butter is voicing cartoons! Been doing so since he was 12. It's a job he's fortunate to have and loves every minute behind the mic! In his spare time, he concocts film projects, practices guitar (coming to an open-mic near you), and loves to shop!

David and I met at a photo shoot for 16 Magazine. We developed a friendship despite the fact that we are about as different as they come. But that has made it fun and educational for both of us. Once he does his blog post you'll see what I mean. Before I met David I remember going to a taping of his show "Live In." Years later, I visited him on the set of "Newsies" where he was transformed (or forced?) into a singer and dancer. You wouldn't know it from David's byline, but he's been in a ton of stuff and continues to work consistently as an actor.

David Back Then

David Now

Meet David . . .
David makes his living selling his body and soul to the media conglomerates and their minions on the coasts. He has ruined two long-term relationships and one engagement because of his Peter Pan Syndrome yet is thankful for that particular disorder every day. In his own way, David strives to make the world a better place than he found it. He developed mixed income green buildings in Harlem, helped reintroduce captive bred wolves into the southwest U.S. (lived in a tent for the better part of a year), and is at the moment designing and fundraising for a rooftop playground for P.S. 210 in Washington Heights. David is currently filming a movie in New York.

I don't remember when I first met Christina, but she was one of my dear friends during my Hollywood days. Although we were both busy with our shows we saw each other a lot on the weekends at various events. I have a lot of photos to prove it. And we had amazing hair and awe-inspiring outfits.

Christina Back Then

Christina Now

Christina Nigra has worn many hats over the years . . . actress, sorority girl, office manager, lawyer . . . currently her most important role is mommy to two munchkins (ages 3 years and 6 months) and two fur-babies (rescued pit bull mixes). She is also a devoted wife, home improvement survivor, play date goddess, sometime writer, cooking blogger, budding entrepreneur, spiritual student, and lover of food, wine, travel and all things 'joie de vivre." She plans to learn to play guitar and speak French before the end of 2010. She is humbled and grateful for the many blessings in her unconventionial and joy-filled life.

You may remember Carol Ann from my previous post. We met when we were both working at Universal Studios filming our shows. Carol Ann starred on the series "Harry and the Hendersons." We lost touch over the years and thanks to MySpace and Facebook we were reunited! Carol-Ann has a beautiful singing voice. Come back for her guest post next week!

Carol-Ann Back Then

Carol-Ann Now:

Meet Carol-Ann . . .
Carol-Ann is the mother of two wonderful little girls (Olivia-3 and Zoe-17 months), devoted wife of Keith, and line producer of reality television. In her oh so short spare time, she likes to sing, write music, play the piano and guitar. She is shamefully addicted to Lost, American Idol, the Twilight books and caffeine. Yoga is her exercise of choice, but she seems to burn plenty of calories these days chasing after the two kids. She plans to add a third kid to the mix one of these days, but figures she should read Wendy's book before locking that down ;)

If you have any questions you would like answered by any of these peeps, send me an email or post it on a comment. Although none of them have agreed to answer any questions, I am sure the compensation they are receiving for these posts (zero point zero dollars) will make them feel obliged to answer any questions you may have.


  1. BethAnn8:14 AM

    Cool stuff Wendy! BTW, Newsies is still one of our very favorite musicals. My kids must have watched it at least 50 times.

  2. BethAnn,
    Yes. I understand Newsies has quite the cult following. Hopefully David can dig up some old photos from that shoot.

  3. David and Big (with Tom Hanks)...one of my faves...

  4. Yay! This is going to be so fun to read guests posts! great idea! Looking forward to "meeting" your hollywood friends! :)

  5. David Moscow. Holy moly...I thought he was such a cutie in Newsies!!!! And you KNOW him??? oh man! I'm jealous!

    I think it would be great if he could send ME an autographed something. :O) I'm just sayin'...


  6. perfect trio,
    we can probably arrange for that. He owes me. Not really, but let's pretend.

  7. I want to ask them all questions. Can you just email them and tell them that Jennyonthespot has questions? Then it'll be just like I met them.

    I should never comment on blogs so late at night on a day I never had any coffee. Oh dear...
