Saturday, February 27, 2010

Introduction to Totally Desperate Mom

No amazing fashion tips today by way of clothing, tattoos, accessories, and the like. Instead, check out the introduction to Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' it Real in the Motherhood because intros are totally in style right now?


Two years ago I spoke to the MOPS at my church about “Taking Care of Mom.” During my talk I used the phrase “totally desperate mom” in reference to using soup cans in lieu of weights to try and sneak some exercise into the busy mom’s life. After I spoke, our women’s ministry director Debbie Alsdorf (, came up to me with excitement and said, “You've got to write a book about this stuff and title it Totally Desperate Mom.” The seed was planted and the vision was cast for this book. But at the time I was pregnant with my fourth child (have one in heaven) and could not really see straight. Still can’t, but that bonus child gave me a lot more chapters of desperation and I began to write.

Lest you think this is another book about the tired tales of how my kid embarrassed me by shouting in the grocery store, “Mom, why is that lady fat?” . . . I’ve got better (or worse?) stories and they all don’t come out of the Hagen house. My hope is that you will laugh and be encouraged as you read through these pages. Be forewarned that you might also shed a few tears as you read Chapter Two, which touches on infertility, loss, and adoption. But then you will soon be back to laughing again. It’s a full emotional workout.

Throughout the book you will find Totally Desperate Mom Tips, some of which may actually be helpful. You will see that you are not alone in your mental breakdown days and your moments of wanting to escape from the motherhood. You will be reminded that motherhood is a gift. A blessing. A privilege. A ton of fun. And what you do as a mom matters.

I welcome readers of all faiths. You might not agree with my perspective on spiritual things. But our common bond of motherhood should be enough to keep you from tossing the book out of the window of your dirty minivan when you don’t like my Jesus stuff.

Thanks for reading! Blessings to all you mamas!

(This part is not in the actual intro, but don't want to leave out the dads!
Thanks to the men who are going to buy this book for their wives, sisters, and friends. And special graces to those few brave men who might read this. Namely my dad, my brother Kevin, my cousin Jimmer, Ben Decker, and Brian Solecki. They have known me a long time and have their own totally desperate wives/moms so they probably have what it takes to enjoy this book. And they have been really supportive throughout my motherhood and writing journey. Thanks guys. If you are a dad who plans on reading this - now is a good time to come out of the closet.)


Okay fine, I will at least give you this Stylin' photo of me in my stay-at-home-mom uniform for the day. Maybe it should be called my please-don't-leave-your-home uniform. Now do you want to pre-order the book?


  1. Wen,

    Do I need to preorder even though I said I'd buy ten awhile ago?


  2. Libby and original pre-order friends - if you sent me an email previously about pre-ordering, you're good to go. Don't need to sign up through my website. Especially if you are pregnant with your fourth child.
