Friday, February 26, 2010

Post Office Field Trip

Last Friday Elijah's kindergarten class took a field trip to the local post office. I volunteered to go because what's more fun than that place? Maybe DMV, but otherwise there is no place I would rather field trip to with my kid.

The post office is not far from his school. We walked there.
I was responsible for the health and safe return of these four boys. We named our group the "Darth Mario Slam Dunkers."

They were to walk shoulder to shoulder in groups of two . . . as you can see that went over without a hitch.
The kids looked longingly as we passed through the park. "No boys, we're heading to a place where the term 'going postal' originated. Much more fun than the park. Keep moving."

While we waited to go in I explained to my group of boys about anthrax. Kidding, kidding.

The kids were thrilled to be able to sit in the mail truck. Seriously, it was Elijah's favorite part.

Highlight of the trip:

Before the post office lady took the kids into the back workroom she asked them if they knew the rules at the post office. One boy immediately shot up his hand with confidence and passion. When he was called on he said with gusto "No guns allowed!"

The next day we received the letter that Elijah had mailed to us. I loved it.

Not that's true love.


  1. I LOOOOVE the head band drawring :) Oh my word. Truth of all truths! So cute! You should make that your FB profile pic - haha!!!

  2. I bet that just melted your heart. And the post office huh? Really? Was the laundry mat not available?

  3. Clearly he has his mother's sense of will take him far! But could also get him in trouble if being harassed by teen-age boys with a dollar bill:-)

  4. oh my goodness, his letter is HYSTERICAL!!! that is awesome.
