Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Design 4 Living 2010 Review

I had a great time at the Design 4 Living Conference!
Friday night before the conference started we had a beautiful and delicious speaker dinner. It is so cool that other people have the gift of making things look pretty. Check out our table setting.

Friday night Elisa Morgan (former president of MOPS) brought it with her message regarding Mary of Bethany - "She did what she could." And I'm not just saying that because we are about the same height (she was wearing heels).

Comedian Kerri Pomarolli was absolutely hilarious. She had us all cracking up! And I'm not saying that because we are about the same height.

Debbie Alsdorf and her team put on a great conference. I think there were about 1000 women who attended.
And Debbie (who encouraged me to write my book) is also my psuedo fan club president, literary agent, and publicist. Thanks Debbie!

And to top things off my friend Kathy, served as my "shadow." Apparently when you speak at a conference you have to have someone follow you around to make sure you have everything you need -- like chocolate, special water, Scooby snacks, and stuff like that. I made Kathy call me J-Lo and she didn't even mind.

The worship band was awesome! These two beauties are my babysitters!

When I get a copy of it, I'll post my talk about Life in the Motherood and how to take care of Mom in the midst of it. In the meantime, if you want some motherhood encouragement, you can listen to my MOPS talk "You were made for this." It's up at the right hand side of my blog.
And get your free sneak peek (5 whole chapters) of Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' Real in the Motherhood.


  1. The table is SO pretty!! Love the colors!! Looks like an awesome time!! =)

  2. Oh, I WISH I could have gone. So bummed!! Can't wait to hear your talk. I am sure you rocked it, as usual! :)

  3. That looks awesome. You bet you are like JLo, girl. And, after you told me that you hip hopped while pregnant, I just want your autograph, now! What a fun weekend.

  4. It was such a great conference! Kerri is so, SO darn funny. :) You did a great job with the break out session too!

  5. YAY!!!! I wish I could have been there but it's been awesome to hear all of the super-positive feedback from the people who were there! I know you were aMAZing! Can't wait to hear your talk!!!

  6. That table scape is gorg!

  7. Rock star babysitters?! Too cool. You look fab and I hope you got all the scooby snacks you needed :)
