Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'm Not in Love with you Anymore - Part 3

This is another follow up to my marriage posts "I'm Not In Love with you Anymore." If you missed, go read Part 1 and Part 2.

(This is my mom and dad on their wedding day, Sept. 10, 1966)

Here is a poem that my dad wrote in 1975. It was the year I was born. I am okay with the fact that I probably caused the need for a gardener. It goes hand-in-hand with the whole "Oops, I guess we're having a third child." But I'm totally okay with that too especially since I have an "oops baby" and I totally dig her.


Where are all the flowers we grew here yesterday?

Did we forget to feed them? Have they really gone away?

It's awfully hard to tell for sure, with all these weeds around.

I think they must still be here, somewhere in the ground.

We had a lovely garden; I can't believe it's gone.

It sparkled in the moonlight and glistened in the dawn.

Was yesterday so long ago that we forgot to care?

Did we let our flowers die? It doesn't seem quite fair.

Maybe if we talk to them, and to each other, too.

Maybe if we take the time to pull a weed or two,

Maybe we can change our yard to what it used to be.

Do you think it's worth it, being gardeners, you and me?


  1. It can be very hard to pull some weeds. However, The "Fertilizer" (aka the Holy Spirit) is the best at what He does. :)

  2. Love the poem Wendy. And great writing in Posts 1 and 2. More importantly, great truths. I wish some people I know would see these...

  3. I loved the poem! 1975 was a great year! :) I was born that year as well. Seriously, the posts on marriage are great!

  4. Beautiful Poem!

    These are things to treasure!

    Don't forget to let me know when the book publishes so I can mention it to my readers.

    Take care!

  5. This is my favorite poem from your dad. Sweet pic too.

  6. Jenna8:31 PM

    Just read your series tonight. I was annoyed at my husband for a myriad of reasons and was able to "keep my peace" until he went to bed. Decided to hop online and found you through a comment on another blog. Am glad that I didn't dump my frustrations on him tonight and make things worse.

  7. What a fantastic poem.

    Totally unrelated (and possibly ridiculous) 1975 was the year my parents took me to see Alice Cooper. I was two.

  8. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I linked your post starting with the first one, on my blog today. So many women in my circle of influence are going through precisely what you are describing. You did a fantastic job in your post and thought I couldn't do it better so I just linked you and encouraged others to visit you if they stopped by. I hope that is okay. Words of wisdom like that should be shared!
