Monday, December 06, 2010

All I Want for Christmas is . . .

I think seeing kids' Christmas list is one of my favorite things about Christmas. Right up there with decorating the Christmas tree.
Here is my 5 year-old nephew's list. I'm in love with it.

A new car
Cute guys (a cat one)
New socks (naruto)
A new beanie
chocolate chips
A new light (clip light for bed)
A new kitchen stool
Fighting guys
A black wii controller
A pink nunchuck
Sword at magical child


  1. oh my goodness! Seriously nothing cuter. Kids say the most awesome things. The other day, I was putting my make up on and my 3 year old boy looked up and said "Mommy, are you putting five dollars on your face?". What?!

  2. Chocolate chips! So precious. :) Love that it's all about the small things when you're young.

  3. PS I found a package in my mailbox addressed to my hubby from a Wendy Hagen...feels like maybe a book inside that beautiful bubble mailer...I think he saw my Christmas list!

  4. Jenn, I have no idea what you are talking about ... :)
