Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Toilet Reading

Don't forget to head over to Fit Moms Fit Kids to find out why you are not receiving a Christmas card in the mail from me. Even if you're my mom. Then leave an insightful comment or one that reads dlkfjadsofasg on that Fit Moms Fit Kids post for a chance to win a copy of Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' it Real in the Motherhood. Last I checked there were only 3 entries so get after that action - for yourself, baby shower gift, Christmas gift, or toilet reading for your husband. (I've heard it causes husbands to better appreciate what the desperate mamas go through and they really like my advice in the "Taking Care of Mom's Marriage Chapter.")

Jordis wants to know what you are still doing here? Go to Fit Moms Fit Kids!

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