Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hagen Family Worst Photos of 2010

Although I really do love receiving them, I haven't sent out Christmas cards for years now. But I have started a new tradition along those lines. Instead of giving you the gift a a perfect family photo where matching outfits abound and oceans, train tracks, grassy knolls, or dark alleys can be found peppering the backgrounds and all bribed participants (including the husbands) are looking at the camera . . . I give you the gift of ugly. Ugly Hagen photos. Mostly of me cuz I don't want my family to hate me. Self esteem boosters to all. Go ahead, feel better about how hot you are. I'm okay with it cuz I'm a giver.

1. Sometimes when you are a stay-at-home mom you just look like this. All day long.

2. When I speak to women I usually try to fit the term "Duh" in there somewhere.

3. When I speak to women I try to make it look as though I have gotten zero sleep the night before.

4. Yea, I sometimes do leave the house like this. This particular ball of beauty happened at the dermatologist. Lydia was sweet enough to steal my hat and capture it on film.

5. What's that movie called? The Exorcist?

6. I am a huge proponent of sleep. Even if it costs you.

7. You take photos of me open-mouthed car sleeping . . . then you better watch your back. Or your face.

8-10. As I looked through the photos from the year, I realized something. A lot of times Jordis sports the white-trash look. And I have to ask, at what point do you blame the parents for this? Don't answer that.

11. No big deal. It's not like we are in a public place or anything. Just the airport.

12. This may be the scariest photo of one of my children I have ever seen. I'm just not sure how this happened. Elijah, if you ever get a girlfriend I don't like I will blow this up and give it to her.

As far as traditional family photos go . . . here you go. Merry Christmas!
May all your kids look at the camera and smile at the same time!

What's your favorite from the collection? And do you have any you would like to share? If so, leave a link so we can all enjoy.
If you are new to this delightful collection of ugly photos and you want to visit year's past . . . knock yourself out. (And take a picture of it!)


  1. Your worst family photos crack me up. Great idea!!

  2. I love these memories Wendy. You are a very Brave, Brave woman. I guess raising three young kids will make any woman strong. Love and hugs for a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  3. Okay then Becky - I'm waiting for yours.
    Christine - Yes, mom of three. Strength and utter weakness all wrapped up in pajamas.

  4. Always a joy to see and laugh at these. I must say I got the biggest laugh out of the Elijah one at the end. He looks like a little person!

  5. I am literally wiping away tears from my face right now. That last photo of Elijah. Oh my heart. That is the hardest I've laughed in a while.

  6. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Sometimes you are stuck at a hotel in el paso. sometimes you have driven 10 hours and have another 17 to go. sometimes i love you. you. are. the. best!

  7. TL - Elijah photo. Horror movie.
    Kate - Oh my heart. Glad you laughed. I think Elijah might harm me for that one.
    Songskatesang - Glad I could be of laughter service. Do you have any pics from your drama?

  8. Love it! You are a classic and you still make me laugh out loud (sometimes snort) almost 30 years later! Wait, we're not that old!
    The photos are fabulous but the commentary is spot on! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  9. Soooo funny! I love Eli with the headband. I need to do a blooper real like this.

  10. Kevin and I are cracking up. So funny! You guys rock.

  11. I love you, let me count the ways..... still counting....

  12. LOVE IT! Great entry :)

  13. Hilarious! Thanks for the comic relief... Love. it.!

  14. Those are all brilliant! They definitely made me smile more than most holiday cards with uber-coordinated fakeness all over it.

    Love. :)

    Happy holidays to your beautiful family.

  15. my favorite was jordis. laughed out loud. i can't wait until you see some of the winners i've been holding for our post... it's been a great year for bad pictures! :)

  16. Jamie, Poor Jordis. But she does insist on dressing herself and somehow she ends up looking like that.

  17. These are the best! Thank you! It is so nice to see you making it REAL! Merry Christmas!

  18. This is seriously one of the funniest posts I've ever read-love it!

  19. Wendy, you are hands-down the funniest person I know. I love you. Almost as much as I love the pictures of Ragamuffin Jordis.

  20. Thank you.

    Thank you for making me laugh.
    Thank you for being honest.
    Thank you for ensuring I don't feel alone in the 'feel like a sloppy mess' category of life.
    Thank you for posting your link on 'it's almost naptimes's post, so I could find you!

  21. that is hilarious!!!! you're brave, very brave!!! i don't think i have the guts!!!

  22. That looks just like my life! haha :) You rock!
