Monday, December 20, 2010

Twas the Week before Christmas

This was part of what I sent out in my "Christmas card" (via email cuz I can't keep up with laundry let alone postage) this year . . .
Twas the week before Christmas in our cozy new place,
Boxes still in the garage, no cars in their space.

The stockings were hung on the chandelier with great care,
in hopes that St. Nick could reach them up there.

The children rarely nestle all snug in their beds,
cuz they always have excuses like "I hurt my head."

And mom in her jammies & dad in his sweats,
Had just put in their retainers and headed to bed.

When out in the hall there arose such a clatter,
Lydia was crying - what was the matter?

"My leg hurts!" a phrase we know well,
even when we know she's faking mama rubs it so well.

Back to her bed she was carried away,
mom & dad hoping to sleep 'til the day.

When what to their wandering eyes should appear,
a cat gagging and puking just beneath the chandelier.

The puke's just a marker so Santa finds the space,
"The stockings are over here! Not on the fireplace!"

A visit to Santa & the kids even dressed!
No criers this time! But Jordis was not impressed.

The week before Christmas? The same as the rest.
Lots of chaos & little voices, it's what we like best.

New words all the times, new jokes by the day,
family dinners every night filled with cray-zay.

A little bit of this a little bit of that
A little bit of "Mommy, I love you, but your arms are kinda fat."

Another Hagen Christmas is coming our way,
Another year of blessings even on mom's mental breakdown days.

Little ones fill our house with such cheer!
Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year!

*** If you have not gotten your copy of Totally Desperate Mom yet . . . do it now before your children suck out all of your brain cells and you are no longer able to read. If you don't know about it yet - it is a book of humor and encouragement for moms with young children and each chapter is only about 20 minutes long. There is Jesus stuff in the book because I love him. But even if you don't love Jesus there should be enough mama stuff in there that you can deal with the Jesus stuff.


  1. I just LOVE this poem! Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks Emily. Have a great, relaxing Christmas!

  3. You just made my day! The poem Rocks! I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!
