Monday, March 28, 2011

Renewing of Vows - SURPRISE!

Last weekend we were in San Diego for a renewing of vows ceremony for some of our best friends.

(Most of these photos are by Shauna at Studio 7.)

It was a total surprise to the wife. All of it. I mean, who would expect her husband would scheme behind her back and coordinate an extraordinary event for your 13 1/2 year anniversary?

Here's a recap of how it went down.

1. The groom, who we'll call Russ, had been thinking about and planning this for several years.

2. He arranged to have about 45 people come in from around the country and put them up in a hotel in Carlsbad, CA.

3. He had their friend and interior decorator arrange stuff for the reception and decorate. Absolutely gorgeous.

4. They were on vacation in San Diego and the bride, who we'll call Stacy, thought she was going to a spa day at Los Willos in Fallbrook for her sister-in-law's birthday.

5. She went into a room for her spa treatments and there was a DVD playing that her husband made. I didn't see the video, but I imagine it went something like this, "You are the best thing ever. Best wife. Best mom. You're hot. I love your guts. And I want to renew our vows. I have 3 dresses for you to choose from. Get all dolled up and then let's do this. Right now. It's on."

6. Stacy came out of the room in utter shock. Crying the ugly cry. A few moments later I walked in with my video camera rolling. More ugly cry. I will spare her and not post that video here, but she was weeping like a baby. I won't spare her the ugly cryin' photo.

7. Then a few of us got all done up. I got hair, makeup and nails! It was so dreamy. I get my hair and makeup done every 13 years so it was such a treat!!! Thank you Russ!

8. Ceremony: Bride and her daughter cross over a small lake on a boat. Groom and their son meet the up with the gals as they get off the boat.

9. The pastor who married them performs the ceremony. More surprise and tears for Stacy.

10. Beautiful reception. Good food. Gorgeous and tasty cake.

11. Russ plays guitar with talented worship leader and sings "Hold Us Together." Meanwhile their 9 year-old accompanies on the piano and their 7 year-old . . . forgets her tambourine. So Shiloh downloads a tambourine app on my iphone and she taps it into the microphone.

12. DVD of photo montage that Russ made plays for everyone. Final song on the DVD is "Always" by Grammy award-winning Switchfoot, Stacy's favorite band. Ours too. (You might remember Elijah's meltdown when we told him we went to a Switchfoot concert without him.)

13. Worship leader stands up and leads everyone in prayer.

14. Prayer over. Eyes open. Jon Foreman (lead singer of Switchfoot and ridiculously talented songwriter/musician) is on the piano singing "Always." (If you are not familiar with Switchfoot or this song, do yourself a favor and check out this video.) More shock and ugly crying for Stacy.

He goes on to sing four more songs accompanied by amazing celloist Keith Tutt.

15. The End. Russ goes down in husband history.


  1. Forwarded to my husband. It's only been two and a half years, but I'm hoping for this exact experience... in Thailand. He'd better get on it :)

  2. Wow...husband of they year! What an amazing day!!! Love it!

  3. Anonymous10:29 AM

    How incredibly amazing! :)

  4. It was soooo great catching up with you there too! Fab-o weekend!

    I still owe you a check... will put it in the mail tonight!

  5. You and your friend look beautiful! "husband hall of fame", amazing!

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM

    OH my heavens! Awesome story. Thank you for sharing!

  7. this is such a beautiful idea. looks like it was an awesome time for the couple and their friends!
    and y'all look so pretty-love your curls!

  8. So, I'm assuming that since he went to all this trouble that he doesn't want to divorce her and marry me? No? Well, it was worth a shot. ;)

    Everyone looked amazing!

  9. So I'm guessing that "WOW" doesn't quite cut it?

    That was special to be a part of something like that!

    p.s. I will be linking to this in my 'good linkage' post sometime soon, with the tagline: "Things I hope Shane does for me someday...."


  10. What an amazing gift of an incredible day that will surely be a treasured memory! Thanks for sharing, such a sweet post!

  11. whateva, supermodel!

    we were in sd last weekend too!

  12. so awesome!!! loved the play by play & pictures! And, how cute was your hair?!?! loved it!

  13. Absolutely fabulous! This is definitely giving me some ideas!

  14. well, now my husband (every husband) looks like a jerk in comparison. thanks a lot russ!

    but really, how sweet. how blessed she must have felt. how lovely for their children to see their father go to such lengths to demonstrate his love for their mother.


  15. Anonymous9:46 PM

    OH MY LANTA!!!! Super cool husband of the year award for him. Were you totally shocked to see Jon Foreman there? That is so cool!!!! The whole thing, so thoughtful, so touching. Wow!

    -Anneliese P.
