Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Request for Justin Bieber

Shiloh took Lydia to see the Justin Bieber movie. Lydia is now a Belieber.

And she wants Justin to come to her "Kung Fu, Makeup, Wedding, Princess, Rock Star" 5th Birthday party.

She only wants him to dance. There is no need for him to sing because "We can just play his music Mom!" Would be such an easy gig for the Biebs.

I told her I don't know his address to send him an invitation. She told me to ask the mailman.

She is telling people he is coming to her party even though I told her that he is really busy. Kind of like how Elijah invited and expected Michael Jordan to come to his birthday. Never say never.

So this is her attempt to reach out to the Biebs.
If you are besties with him please pass along this video.


  1. She is too cute. ;)

  2. I'm hoping Justin sees this and comes to her party. *Fingers crossed*

  3. bless her heart, what a cutie!
    i have zero affinity for jb, but really hope he shows up!:)

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    My heart just melted. Thank you for making me smile today!

  5. DYING. again. i think biebs would be WAY better at make-up than the whole "rock star" thing.

  6. You need to blow his twitter up with this


    Love it!

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Absolutely hilarious! :)

  8. My Lydia (who is 2) absolutely LOVES this video! We have now watched it at least 5 times! (I think her favorite parts are when she says "Hi my name's Lydia" and then when Elijah starts singing...she dances with him!)

    Unfortunately we don't know Justin but if I happen to see him on the streets of Minneapolis I will be sure to flag him down and point him to this video! :)

  9. Do you want me to dress up like JB and swing by? I get mistaken for him a lot. We both have really nice bangs.

  10. I just wanted to say "hi." I found your blog a few days ago and have been all over your archives since then. Love it! And your kids are so darn cute!!!

  11. How can Justin {Beaver} say no to that invite? Precious...try telling a 4 year old that it's "bee-ber"! ;-) Love how Elijah cleared up the date, too! ;-)

  12. LOVE this. i hope it works! ;) seriously cute.

    and while i'm here... i am a newlywed 20 something who is not going to be a mom yet, but your style TOTALLY encourages me and inspires me. the way you share mom life is so realistic. so much like my mom. it makes me look forward to the not-so-idealistic things about motherhood and makes me believe i could rock it as a mom - an imperfect one.

    back to un-serious mode: again, hilar video.

  13. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I cannot believe how big Lydia is getting. I looked at this video and she is definitely not a baby anymore...wow.

  14. If the Biebs is coming over, you realize my 10 year-old may be crashing Lydia's party, right? Don't say I didn't warn you.

  15. I love it! Your kids crack me up because they're all almost the same age as mine...except my 5 year old hasn't discovered Justin Bieber yet. But if we run into him, I'll let him know about the invite :)

  16. Hilarious! I think Biebs would be crazy not to go...

  17. I totally get what other people say to me now. I don't know why I haven't seen it before.

    As CUTE as that was (and seriously....is she adorable much?) my favorite part has to be the crying fit by sissy and the impromptu concert by brother. Doesn't that just always happen when you are trying to film 'the cutest video ever?'

    I get so irritated at my boys when they do that, but get more comments on the boys than I do on the intended subject of the video. Hmmmph.

    But, I officially see why. :)
