Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ultimate Blog Party 2012 - $100 Amazon Giveaway

Welcome to Tales from the Motherhood and Confessions of a Former Childhood Actress . . .

This is my third year participating in the Ultimate Blog Party so I finally feel like I know what I'm supposed to wear.

Let's cut to the chase virtual people . . .
If you don't really give a rip about me or my blog or my dirty minivan and just want a prize, then scroll down and see how easy it is for you to win $100 gift card to Amazon and a copy of my book Totally Desperate Mom: Keepin' it Real in the Motherhood.

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

But if you really like to virtual party and read blogs then allow me to introduce myself . . .
I am Wendy Hagen and wife to Shiloh for almost 14 years and am mom to Elijah (8), Lydia (5 1/2), and Jordis (3 1/2).

This is my headshot I use for my author/speaking stuff.

This is what I look like when I'm cleaning my house. See the resemblance? Me neither.

Before I was married with children and was able to jump rope without pee leaking out, I was child/teen actress Wendy Cox. How did I get into acting? When I was nine years old I decided it was time to get my acting career started so unbeknownst to my parents I looked in the yellow pages, found a talent agency, and left them a message on their answering machine. And there began my acting career which started with print jobs and commercials in the San Francisco area and led me to Hollywood within a few years. When I was fourteen I landed the role of Megan on the syndicated series The New Lassie which lasted for 48 episodes and two seasons. I also appeared on Circus of the Stars and made guest appearances on Growing Pains and The Wonder Years. On Wednesdays I blog about my experiences in Hollywood. I have no criminal record and never went clubbin' with my mom or yours. 
Here is the a clip from the episode of The Wonder Years I guest starred on back in 1992:

That same crazy personality that led me to Hollywood also drove me to write a book of encouragement and humor for moms with young children while I had three children under the age of five. I self-published Totally Desperate Mom in 2010 and ordered 5000 copies. If you know anything about average books sales - that's a lot. Yet another crazy move. If you want to to know more about my self-publishing journey you can read this blog post. I still have a few thousand books to go, but I am determined to sell them - even if I have to use the yellow pages to do it. You can read chapter 1 here and then decide if you would like to help me clear some more out of my garage. Email me at wendy at wendy hagen dot net and tell me you are a virtual partier and I will give you free shipping.

Besides Hollywood, I usually blog about honest, raw, hilarious, gross, classic stuff from my life and the motherhood. You'll probably leave feeling better about yourself. And if you think you don't have room for more blogs in your life you might just want to check in here around Christmas time. Cuz that's when I post my family's worst photos of the year. I mean, who doesn't enjoy feeling better about themselves by seeing OPU (Other People's Ugly)? 

In May Shiloh and I will celebrate 14 years of marriage. I like him and am passionate about healthy marriages . . . and Persian food, Settlers of Catan, good hot chocolate, fitness and health, UCLA sports, and So You Think You Can Dance?

I'm mostly a stay-at-home mom who gets buried in laundry and tries to feed her family healthy meals on a regular basis. But on the side I travel around the country a bit and speak at women's retreats, conferences, MOPS groups, and other women's events. You can check my schedule out on my website and see if I'm gonna be at a church near you. Oh yeah, and sometimes I break dance. 

Here's a clip of my teaching on Simplicity that brings out my serious side. Yes, I do have one. If you have 8 minutes, it's a really cool story about how God has provided for us in our financial struggle.

My condolences if you made it through that long post. Or congratulations on mad scrolling skills that skipped it all and brought you to the prize section. 

Here is how to win a $100 gift card to Amazon.

1. Leave a comment. Any ol' comment will do. But I would love to hear if we have anything in common or a random fact about yourself and a link to your blog. Make sure I have a way to contact you if you are a winnner.

2. Follow via Google Friends Connect. Don't be ashamed. Then leave a comment letting me know you did and that you were not ashamed.

3. Follow me on Twitter. Then leave a comment letting me know you did. And just so you know, chances are good that I won't automatically follow you back. Here's why. Nothing personal.

4. Become a fan/liker of Totally Desperate Mom on facebook. Then leave a comment letting me know you did. Don't worry I won't clutter up your facebook page with a bunch of lame status updates. Only a few here and there. But I promise you - they will be lame.

*If after a month if this blog bores you, or you actually never read it, or my tweets bug - feel free to drop kick me in a month. I don't want to force you to be in this relationship under prize-induced duress.

Get your entries in by April 20th by 9pm PST. I will announce the winner on April 23rd or sooner.

Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom to further participate in this virtual partying!


  1. I started reading your blog after you spoke at my MOPS group (Walnut Creek Pres.

    Anna Maschke

  2. Oh, I follow you on facebook too!

    Anna Maschke

  3. April 8th? LOL, isn't today the 12th?

    Oh and I love So You Think You Can Dance too. Can't wait for it to come back on.

    My blog which I don't update regularly and haven't so since Feb. Blah.

  4. I'm a fan on FB. And I don't tweet (I don't get it), so I can't follow to you there. ;o)

  5. I love your blog and look forward to the updates. You crack me up!

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed your party post! You are officially the first blog I've visited for UBP12. I enjoyed getting to know you!

  7. I really think you are one cool cat! I appreciate your honesty, transparency, humor, heart and photo skills. Oh, and I think your family is pretty cool too!

  8. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I sometimes find myself breakdancing...but I would never let anyone see...LOL

  9. I really think you are one cool cat. I appreciate your honesty, transparency, humor, heart and photo skills. Oh, and I think your family is pretty cool too!

  10. I am new to all this UBP party stuff but just read your blog and I'm glad I stopped by. I think outside the blogeshpere we would be friends! Sit down for Catan and end with dancing! Hope you have a great week!

  11. I am new to all this UBP party stuff but just read your blog and I'm glad I stopped by. I think outside the blogeshpere we would be friends! Sit down for Catan and end with dancing! Hope you have a great week!

  12. Just signed up on Facebook.

  13. I am already a fb follower; however, I don't do Google Friend Connect or Twitter. I guess I'll be a late adopter of those if I ever get any free time (TDM of a busy 2 year old right here). Have been a reader for a good while and laughed my behind off while reading your book. Keep it up!

  14. Visiting from UBP:) I totally agree about the twitter followers and readership:)

    soleary05 (at) gmail (dot) com

  15. I'm a new follower on Facebook:)

  16. i love you, and your awesome book.
    we've got lots in common, but our looking the same while cleaning house is my super favorite.


  17. I've been a follower for awhile but I'm totally up for a giveaway!! And since you wrote about being on The Wonder Years, and that is the title of my blog, I think that means I WIN!! Right?! I'm a speaker and writer in Southern Cal as well, and heard you speak at my MOPS group about 2 years ago - you rock!

  18. I follow you on Twitter!!

  19. I follow TDM on Facebook too :)

  20. Love that you let people see what the life of a real mama looks like. Love it

  21. I follow u on twitter!

  22. I liked your fb page!

  23. My brother and I are watching the ENTIRE WOnder Years series right now :) we are in Season 5 I think! Its been great to re-live those memories! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE SYTYCD!

  24. Alright, I think I did all I was contractually obligated to do:

    1. I am leaving this comment telling you that I saw that episode of The Wonder Years and that I am not ashamed of it.

    2. I am following with Google Friend Connect and to prove I am not ashamed I am "publicly" following you. But not following you in public because that would be creepy.

    3. I am following you on twitter.

    4. Liked you on Facebook.

  25. Hi, I LOVE your blog! I actually already follow you on twitter and you follow me too! (sorry I am so boring lol)don't have kids but I love them and love to babysit. So I get a kick out of it and how real you are. :)

  26. Your blog posts always make me laugh! I love how real you are, especially being on the frontlines of motherhood. I have 3 kids under the age of 4, and I seem to always relate to your stories. Keep shining for Jesus!

  27. And I'm a google connect follower too!

  28. I was just talking to my husband about you the other day and was trying to remember how I came upon your blog. Now I know. UBP 2010

  29. I think it's fascinating that you were a child actress! My grandfather was an international film actor and my cousin is a big-time musician in Latin America. I only wish I inherited that kind of talent! ;-)

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  30. I always enjoy your blog. I have a soon to be 3 year old daughter and just found out baby #2 on the way is a girl as well. I'd love any advice on raising sisters...:)

  31. I like you on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  32. I joined via google connect.....I follow in my google reader, but maybe this makes it more public? I am not very up on this sort of thing....which is also why I won't be able to tweet, or link you to my blog....I have none. Sorry!!

  33. I am cool enough to have a facebook page though, and I am a "liker" there. :) In case my google account doesn't show you my e-mail it's kellykoster (at) juno (dot) com....thanks for the fun reads all the time and for keeping it real!!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I love your blog so much, especially on Wednesdays. If your kids ever doubt how cool it is that you were on The Wonder Years and Growing Pains, please send them my way. I'm sure I have some old Kirk Cameron and Fred Savage posters that still have my drool on them.

  36. I started following your blog after you spoke at my Growing Up Mom group in SoCal. As a mother of two young boys, the humor & real life portrayal reminds me that I am not alone in wading through laundry, constantly dirty dishes, and toys everywhere :)

  37. I started reading your blog a few years ago through The Larson Lingo and you are too funny!

  38. I can't remember when I started following your blog, but I love it! I'm a fellow Californian and also have a 3 yr old daughter that has some serious style!

  39. I'm a FB follower!

  40. LOVE your blog! You and I could be BFFs since you like being the center of attention and I do not! :) (But I do enjoy the perks of someone who is the center of attention.)

    I have Google connected, FB Liked, Followed on Twitter, and Commented!

  41. You have a way more interesting list of passions than a lot of bloggers I've seen! I'd love to see more posts on Persian food.

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  42. souther821@sbcglobal.net12:27 PM

    I follow you on FB!

  43. Christina12:31 PM

    I'm new to your blog, was turned onto it by a friend of mine, but LOVE it already! I am a fellow mom of young kiddos and a fellow blogger as well! Just started a couple of months ago! I look forward to following your humerous life accounts:)


  44. Stopping by from the party....
    I love that you had the nerve and gumption to find a talent agency on your own so young!
    You have a beautiful family, by the way!

    Random fact about me? I can write upside down and backwards in cursive.

  45. I was partying on the UBP and it was so nice to see a familiar face! Love your party post. Hilarious as always! Happy blog partying!

    ~ Ferly
    Gifts We Use {to grow, love and serve}

  46. I've been following your blog for some time now without being an actual "follower". Changing that right now!


  47. Hilarious! Exactly the kind of blog I love most. Love your cleaning face and when you could "jump rope without peeing";) Will follow via FB, twitter, and bookmark you! Found you via the UBP!

  48. Love your blog. And what a great giveaway!!

  49. I follow you on Twitter:)

  50. Oh my gosh, what a fun and surprising bio. We definitely don't have much in common, but I did LOVE watching Lassie (the original and the new) as a kid, and the Wonder Years as well. LOL

    Your "headshot vs real life shot" made me LOL. Way to be honest with the world!

    Happy UBPing!

  51. I think we are long lost friends! Totally love your sense of humor and storytelling. Glad I found your blog :)


  52. Stopping by from UBP12! Your family is absolutely adorable!

  53. What a refreshingly candid introduction to your blog!! I'm hooked - looking forward to reading more. :) Stopping by from the UBP - come by and visit sometime.

  54. I LOVED reading about your life! How interesting! High school and college plays is the extent of my acting career, but I blog about all the humor I find at home with my husband, 5 kiddos, and very naughty dog! I'm visiting from the UBP12 Party. Here is my party post:

  55. I follow you on FB. ;)

  56. ...and on Twitter

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Not sure why my FB comment showed up twice... weird. So I deleted it. Are current followers even allowed to participate in this contest?

    Oh, and a random fact about you and me... you were on tv... and I watch tv. Pretty crazy, right? Oh, and we both LOVE Catan and Coffee Bean... :)

    In a nutshell, I think you're pretty swell. :) You can follow me on Twitter if you want, but I'm pretty boring on there, so I'll spare you and just tell you not to. :) HA!

  59. I enjoyed watching your clip and was a fan of The Wonder Years when I was a kid. Nice to "meet" you! Just dropping by from The Ultimate Blog Party I am looking forward to networking with you and getting to know you better! I hope you have the opportunity to visit our blog!

  60. Great intro post! You had me at the jumping rope pee comment, only I was thinking more along the lines of our trampoline,'s nice to meet you! What a beautiful family you are! =) Bethany

  61. You are so funny... great recap of your life thus far. We have Switchfoot in common, but you already know that. :) And I often clean the house looking like you and wearing pajamas. I don't know how June Cleaver did it in heels! :)

  62. You are funny. I totally wish I could jump rope or do aerobics without peeing my pants!

  63. I'm a new FB fan.

  64. How stinkin' adorable are you? I read each and every word of your post and smiled or giggled with every sentence I completed. I am happily visiting you back from the UBP. I am off to go poke around and see some of your other posts.

    amy @

  65. love your family photo!
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  66. FB fan - pinky sade
    gagaslab at gmail dot com

  67. I've visited here before and love your sense of humor. So cute the first photo of your little one with her hand on her hip :-)

  68. following you on google FC - I'm not bashful to admit

  69. already a twitter follower @carmasez

  70. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Great post! I love the comparison of the head shots. So my life as well. Your family of course is adorable and I loved that clip from the wonder years. I had a crush on Fred Savage when I was young. lol
    You have a great personality which obviosly comes across in your writing and in your speaking as well. I can't wait to see what you post next!

  71. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I am now following on GFC :)

  72. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I am also a fan on FB
    Dana J Valle :)

  73. Love your party and cleaning outfit!

    Nice to meet you!
    Thanks for visiting me at Mom and More for the Ultimate Blog Party 2012!

  74. Just thinking about jumping rope makes me have to pee. My body is no longer my own .. I have little control over it anymore and most of the time, I couldnt care less! Thanks for your humorous post. Popping in from UBP.

  75. I must say, you had me at "Wonder Years" Seriously. I see someone mentioned Walnut Creek.. are you in NC? I am stopping by from UBP 12.

    Seriously want to get your book now. ANd the difference in your pictures.. is it NOT hilarious how much makeup can do for us? Nobody understands. Ha. Looking forward to many more times visiting your blog! I love it already!

  76. I found you from the UBP and I'm glad I did. I will now go subscribe to your blog. I like the honesty and directness of how your blog.

  77. Your blogs are so funny, one of the best was abut the squirrel in your backyard. Your blog is a great ministry!

  78. I just following you via GFC, and I have a feeling I won't be drop kicking you after a month! :D

    Ultimate Blog Party 2012

  79. I follow you on twitter @anashct3
    Thanks for this lovely giveaway!

    Email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  80. I follow on google connect as "anash"
    Thanks for this giveaway
    anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  81. your blog is hilarious! oh, and random fact..i like eating sandwiches with chips inside! Thanks for a super giveaway!

  82. Anonymous7:16 PM

    That was a blast! I loved the Wonder Years, and it was fun to visit Kevin Arnold again. But I think the most exciting part of your post was finding a fellow Settlers of Catan fan! (oh, that rhymed)

    Your post was a memorable one in my UBP tour. Be blessed in all you do!

  83. The commenter before me says you love Settlers of Catan! I don't know where she found such important information, but I love it too!!!! No wonder we're virtual besties.

    I will personally pick up my $100 Amazon gift card when I see you in June. So pick me and save on postage.

  84. Here's my comment! I fou d you at the last UPB, and I've been lovin you ever since!

  85. I follow you on GFC, and I'm not ashamed :)

  86. I follow you on twitter as @tara_mommyhaha

  87. I like you on Facebook as Tara eschenbach

  88. Watched your Wonder Years clip, and I admit, I felt jealousy. I always wanted bells to chime when I smiled, too. :-)

  89. You are too funny, and your family is adorable! This is my 3rd year partying hard with the UBP too- I remember "meeting" you back in the day. lol My UBP12 Post :)

  90. I am not ashamed- I already follow your blog via GFC. ;)

  91. Already follow you on Twitter- @susiebhomemaker- and yes I get the no automatic follow back thing.

  92. And already a fan on Facebook- Susan B.

  93. i like amazon. bummed that i can't see you next week :( enjoy washington!

  94. i like your TDM fb page, too... and i just don't get google connect, plus, etc. so I'm stopping with that :)

  95. Hi Wendy! I love you and read your book, too! ;-) I blog over at XO

  96. Twitter follower....check!

  97. Facebook Liker...of course. XO

  98. I love your book! You can see my UBP post here:

    If you're interested ;)

  99. I like your facebook page :) Dawn Berryman

  100. I love your book! You can see my UBP post here:

    If you're interested ;)

  101. I am not ashamed to follow you on GFC ;)

  102. I follow you on twitter! @MarketMommy

  103. I am a fan on Facebook

  104. I follow you on Google connect

  105. I used to go to cornerstone church and would love a gift card and your book

  106. yeah!! look at all the comments you have.

    you look better "naked" (without make-up) than i do. a lot better.

    you kissed fred savage. and i didn't think you could get more awesome.

    i admire your go get em' personality. can you give some of that away in a giveaway?

  107. I thought u looked familiar:) I have seen u on Growing Pains

  108. like u on fb Julie A Scott Laws
    and your sense of humor

  109. Just found your blog from Jody Landers. Thanks for some laughs this morning.
