Thursday, May 17, 2012

Broke Even, Sold 2000+ Books, & Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Update! We have our winners. Congrats!
Searching for Sanity (I actually already wrote this book, though, so I hope it still counts!)
Congrats on breaking even. What an accomplishment.
#23 Mae (Who is a Totally Desperate Mom to be!)
Hope I'm not too late to enter! I want to write a book called, "It Only Takes One"

A big thank you to my Totally Desperate Mom supporters! I recently broke even from my investment of self-publishing Totally Desperate Mom and am now profitable. I might even go public soon. Or something like that. Just shy of two years, I have sold 2000 paperback books sold and some ebooks (not sure how many) - most of which have come from my speaking engagements. Praise God and thank you TDM friends!

You can read more of the story of my self-publishing journey here. But in short, I decided to do offset printing and ordered a lot of copies of my book. Apparently there are roughly a zillion books out there and most of what I read online says the average sales for a self-published book is 150-200 copies. And the average U.S. nonfiction book is now selling less than 250 copies per year and less than 3,000 copies over its lifetime. I don't know how accurate those numbers are but . . . I ordered 5,000 copies of my book. Because I'm crazy . . . as demonstrated by finding an agent in the yellow pages when I was nine years old, showing up on Kirk Cameron's front door with a love note when I was 12, and having a baby without an epidural. And now -  5,000 times more crazy.

In honor of making it "broke even" I want to give away a copy Totally Desperate Mom and a $20 gift card to Amazon. Just leave a comment and tell me this: If you were to write a book, what would the title be? I'll pick two winners via on Monday, May 21st.

Keep in mind I still have a few thousand books to sell so here is the deal thru Tuesday, May 22nd, 3PM PST: Free shipping and I will donate $5 to Compassion International for every copy of Totally Desperate Mom you purchase through me. Stock up for baby showers, birthday gifts, and MOPS events now. You must email me for the deal at wendy at wendyhagen dot net and I will send you a paypal invoice for $12.

Thank you to all my Totally Desperate Mom supporters! I know most of you readers have already gotten a copy or two or ten.


  1. book title "Lessons Learned from a Chicken" or "What a Chicken Taught Me" or "Bucka Bucka, What Kind of Name is that?"

    Really that is part of what I'm having trouble with - the title. I wrote (on paper) my ideas for the book, the characters, and the basics of the story, but I'm kind of at a loss where to go with it. I love writing on paper and will eventually move to computer and even use my own pictures of my chicken ran through photoshop.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble ramble! :) Congrats on selling 2000 books!

  2. Searching for Sanity (I actually already wrote this book,though, so I hope it still counts!)

    Congrats on breaking even. What an accomplishment.

  3. Congrats on breaking even! woohoo!

    I'm not a good writer, but if I were to write a book, it would be an encouragement book for minister's wives... and maybe, all of the things you wish someone would have told you. I don't know, that's all I could come up with. I haven't eaten since 8am, and it's 2:30 and the brain neurons are not firing properly anymore.

  4. Congratulations! I am sure 2000 plus people have laughed all over the world because of your hilarious book!

  5. Congrats!!

    My book? I have no idea what I would even write about..."How to Title Your Book"

    My 5yo would title her book "Once I Wished Upon a Star".

    My 3yo would title her book "Octopus" or "Princess".

  6. Congrats on breaking even!! That's a great accomplishment! :) Yay for profits and donations from here on out! :)

    I have no idea what I'd title a book, but I would probably buy Emily's Bucka Bucka book. :)

  7. I'm afraid the agent I met in my dreams won't let me share any of my 500 book titles, but I did just want to say congratulations! I so admire what you've done and will be emailing you to FINALLY buy the book. Cause, you know, I'm about 2 years behind on my to-do list.

    Celebrate big. You deserve it!

  8. I'm afraid the agent I met in my dreams won't let me share any of my 500 book titles, but I did just want to say congratulations! I so admire what you've done and will be emailing you to FINALLY buy the book. Cause, you know, I'm about 2 years behind on my to-do list.

    Celebrate big. You deserve it!

  9. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Congrats on breaking even!! Here's to selling the rest! If I wrote a book it would be on all the unusual events my family & I have encountered. Like the time we were stuck in Death Valley with 3 flat tires. Good stuff.
    Love your blog! Thanks, Susan

  10. Life with the Crazies

    At least that's what it feels like most days! :)

  11. Maybe something like "Finding myself in a family of 5" or something like that

    angiewith3 at live dot com

  12. I think I'd have to title my book either "Oh Goodness" because I say it probably a zillion times a day, or "Mom Gone Mad" beacause don't we al go a little mad sometimes??

    I'm on the Steering Team of my local MOPS, and I'm sure this book would be a HUGE asset to all of our mommas :)

  13. Stephanie6:24 PM

    I would title my book "Chance Happenings." It would definitely depict my life story thus far.

    jasperjax2003 at aol dot com

  14. I've actually started a book, one on drafting your own patterns for sewing children's clothing. Of course I've been on the first chapter for like 6 months now...

  15. my book title.... "The Secret of Motherhood: Coffee in the Morning, Wine at Night"

    Would LOVE to win your book!

  16. Congrats! I just discovered your blog via Julie. I have a couple of books rolling around in my head, but the first one I'd like to write is the single mother's guide to getting things done (or something like that). There is nothing special about me, and when I was a single mother, there was nothing out there that supported me without a partner. It was really deflating and frustrating.

  17. Congrats! I have often thought about writing a mom book such as this. I think I would name it The rants and raves, all the things that make you craze Mom job


  18. julieannemcclung at gmail dot com

    Tender Moments with Crazy Kids (and its publishing would be brought to you by my friends, Coffee and Chocolate). ;)

  19. book title would probably be the same as my blog title - Empire of Mayhem. There's a long story behind that title but it fits us pretty perfectly!

    Congratulations on your milestone!

  20. So, on my list of dreams is write a book...I've toyed with different ideas, but something about working with struggling middle school readers or why reading aloud is important to all ages....or maybe a kids book about what it means to be living a missional life.

  21. On a MOMmission or Transparent Parenting
    Congrats, Wendy!

  22. Hope I'm not too late to enter! I want to write a book called, "It Only Takes One"

  23. I'm too late to enter the contest but I'm happy to find your blog. I look forward to ordering and reading your book!

    p.s you and I are similar crazy- i too showed up on the doorsteps of a famous teen celeb back in the day and had a baby without epidural (by choice) :)

  24. Congrats on breaking even. I cannot wait to read and review your book!
