Friday, May 18, 2012

Hume Lake Fans?

Don't forget to enter to win an Amazon gift card and a copy of Totally Desperate Mom. And thru Tuesday, May 22nd, 3PM PST I'm offering free shipping and I will donate $5 to Compassion International for every copy of Totally Desperate Mom you purchase through me.You must email me for the deal at wendy at wendyhagen dot net and I will send you a paypal invoice for $12. More details here.
I'm heading to Hume Lake Christian Camps today to speak at their Mother/Daughter retreat. Please pray for me! I will be giving two seminars - one on Bold Faith: Trusting God with the Hard Stuff. The other one is Simplicity and Contentment: Living the Un-American Dream

Who out there has been to Hume? Heard of it? Dreamed about going there? Had a milkshake from the Hume snack shop? Seen a bear there?

Junior High winter camp. (See if you can spot Melissa Larson's hubby in there.)

Hume Lake is a wonderful camp in the Sequoia National Forest up behind the Fresno area. I went to winter camp there when I was in junior high and Shiloh and I were on Summer Counseling Staff in 1996. We have gone there several times in the last five years for family vacation and to hear our friend Chris Brown speak at the high school camp. Needless to say I am thrilled to be going there this weekend to encourage and challenge the mama/daughter crew.

Shiloh and I in 1996. In love. With flowers on ear.

 My fellow SCS Hume gals at my wedding.

With the Brown fam.

One of the week's I spent as a counselor at Wagon Train. Far left is my buddy Brittany.

And here Brittany and I are 14 years later. Don't worry, she's gorgeous on the inside too. 


  1. Ah! Wagon Train! :) That was the week I was there. Kentucky wagon, right? :) Have so much fun up at Hume this weekend!

  2. I have actually heard of Hume Lake. I went to college at Western Baptist College (now Corban University) in Salem, OR. They have an awesome camp team ministry that I was privileged enough to be a part of. One team always went to Hume Lake. Not my team but still. I've heard of it! :)

  3. I would love to hear/read your talk on living the un-American dream. I'm trying to talk my MOPS leader into doing a bible study similar to that idea. We live in a wealthy suburb where I feel like every is just living in excess (we are guilty too). One of the reasons I love your blog is that iis so real - you aren't showing off your kids newest dress or your "took 5 hours to make" party favors. ;) I actually made my husband read your post about Elijah's party favors - he was all in. :)

  4. Love Hume!! Went 4 times in high school and once with my husband as counselors. So gorgeous there. Great memories with friends and times with the Lord!! Incredibly special place!! Awesome that you got to go speak there!

    You look adorable as a bride, by the way!! :)

  5. Oh my goodness...your Hume pics could have been my Hume pics! Great memories. I went all the way from junior high to senior year. I also went back for a women's retreat several years ago and tried to roller skate in the Ark. Um no it isn't like getting back on a bike! Lol!

  6. Ohh, love Hume Lake. I worked up there the summer of 1988 and came home with mono. It was worth it. :-) My daughter is up at Meadow Ranch this week,and if I'm not mistaken, Chris Brown is the speaker! Pretty awesome.
