Friday, May 25, 2012

Intsa Friday With a Walkie Talkie

I am coming out of a crazy month. I totally over-booked myself with speaking engagements and it has been a little crazy. Of course, I've been teaching on Simplicity - in the area of stuff/money and schedules. So no irony that my schedule was out-of-hand. Culminating in an MBD on Mother's Day. Lesson learned. Or rather, lesson learning. Still trying to navigate how much I can take on outside of my real job (my family). 

That being said, I have a lot of blog posts in my head - lame ones, funny ones, deep ones, spiritual ones . . . but haven't had the time. Ones about public school, bullying issues, people who are abandoning going to church but still love Jesus, people who have been burned by "the church", who is the church?, simplicity, Hume Lake mother/daughter retreat (you can listen to my seminars here), Jesus swag, Lydia's 6th birthday party . . . oh how they dance in my head and long to get on (fake, virtual) paper

So until then . . . I love Insta-No-Brainer-Friday.
My week in cell phone pics.

Laughed until I cried with my dear friend (and soon-to-be NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR!!!) Marissa on the mother/daughter retreat at Hume Lake

Played wiffle ball looking like this at Hume Lake.

Hung out with the amazing Megan Fate Marshman at Hume Lake.

Watched my husband put together 489,000 pieces to make the secret club house for our girls. 

Went on a girl scout nature walk and waited for a butterfly to land on the landing pad. Still waiting.

Watched the lunar eclipse on my car while singing Totally Eclipse of the Heart in my head.

Got my 14-year anniversary gift! Part of the front yard re-landscaped!!!

Loved watching kids be kids.

Took my fashion plate to school and realized how long her hair has gotten.

And finally, I got to wear this awesome outfit and struggled not to get on a power trip. Because I didn't just have this outfit. I had a walkie talkie.

Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged.

life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. Your wiffle ball outfit is super glamorous! :)

    Super pretty flowers!! Are they making you so cheerful?

    I'd love to hear all your thoughts on the posts that are floating around in your head when you get the time for it! :)
