Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Last Chance for The Dealio

So unless your name is Mary or Lindsey, you're not a winner. And I mean that in the most specific way - you are not a winner of a $20 Amazon gift card or a copy of Totally Desperate Mom

So now you might as well go purchase a copy of Totally Desperate Mom for yourself or your frenemy or for a baby shower gift or for your doorman. (And if you are reading this and you have a doorman, would you please leave a comment because who has those? Are they for real or just on TV?)

The special deal is almost up. Until 3pm PST today (May 22nd) I am offering free shipping of my book and I am giving $5 to Compassion International for every copy you buy. Just email me at wendy at wendyhagen dot net and I will email me your paypal invoice for $12. My kids will even sign the books for you. If they're in the mood.

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